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Re: find-aliases, where-did-you-go-little-command

From: Juanma Barranquero
Subject: Re: find-aliases, where-did-you-go-little-command
Date: Wed, 06 Nov 2002 18:44:27 +0100

On Mon, 21 Oct 2002 23:13:38 -0400, Richard Stallman <address@hidden> wrote:

> This seems like a useful feature for where-is.

Here's a first cut at an implementation.

Points to take into account:

1.- I've put a variable `where-is-show-aliases' to activate the new
behavior. In the code below it is set to t, but perhaps nil would be a
better default.

2.- The output format is not very elaborated. Better suggestions very

3.- Same, and more so, for the "insert" behavior of `where-is'.




 (require 'cl))

(defcustom where-is-show-aliases t
  "*Whether `where-is' must also show keybindings for aliases."
  :type 'boolean
  :group 'help
  :version "21.4")

(defun where-is (definition &optional insert)
  "Print message listing key sequences that invoke the command DEFINITION.
Argument is a command definition, usually a symbol with a function definition.
If INSERT (the prefix arg) is non-nil, insert the message in the buffer.
If `where-is-show-aliases is non-nil, show also keybindings for aliases of 
   (let ((fn (function-called-at-point))
         (enable-recursive-minibuffers t)
     (setq val (completing-read (if fn
                                    (format "Where is command (default %s): " 
                                  "Where is command: ")
                                obarray 'commandp t))
     (list (if (equal val "")
               fn (intern val))
  (let ((func (indirect-function definition))
        (map nil)
        (standard-output (if insert (current-buffer) t)))
    (when where-is-show-aliases
      (mapatoms #'(lambda (symbol)
                    (when (and (not (eq symbol definition))
                               (eq func (ignore-errors (indirect-function 
                      (setq map (cons symbol map))))))
    (princ (mapconcat #'(lambda (symbol)
                          (let* ((remapped (remap-command symbol))
                                 (keys (mapconcat 'key-description
                                                  (where-is-internal symbol 
overriding-local-map nil nil remapped)
                                                  ", ")))
                            (if insert
                                (if (> (length keys) 0)
                                    (if remapped
                                        (format "%s (%s) (remapped from %s)" 
keys remapped symbol)
                                      (format "%s (%s)" keys symbol))
                                  (format "M-x %s RET" symbol))
                              (if (> (length keys) 0)
                                  (if remapped
                                      (format "%s is remapped to %s which is on 
%s" definition symbol keys)
                                    (format "%s is on %s" symbol keys))
                                (format "%s is not on any key" symbol)))))
                      (cons definition map)
                      ";\nand "))))

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