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Re: init_buffer PWD fix

From: 永野圭一郎
Subject: Re: init_buffer PWD fix
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 17:26:29 +0900
User-agent: Wanderlust/2.9.9 (Unchained Melody) EMY/1.13.9 (Art is long, life is short) LIMIT/1.14.7 (Fujiidera) APEL/10.3 Emacs/21.2.50 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) MULE/5.0 (SAKAKI)

At Mon, 22 Apr 2002 11:01:27 +0300 (IDT),
Eli Zaretskii wrote:
> Thanks for the explanation.  But I still don't see how this would cause a 
> specific failure in Emacs in some situation.  Can you describe such a 
> specific failure, complete with the commands to type outside and inside 
> Emacs, and with analysis of what happens inside init_buffer in that case?

For instance,

0. in bash shell...
1. gunzip and untar emacs-21.2.tar.gz and leim-21.2.tar.gz
2. cd to emacs-21.2/nt, and run ./configure.bat.  If you have MSVC,
   configure.bat detects it and configure to use MSVC for compiling
3. type nmake.  After you have done temacs.exe and emacs.exe, You
   will get an error like this:

        "C:\home\tmp\emacs-21.2\leim/../src/obj-spd/i386/emacs.exe" -batch 
--no-init-file --no-site-file --multibyte -l 
C:/home/tmp/emacs-21.2/leim/../lisp/international/titdic-cnv  --eval 
"(batch-titdic-convert t)"  -dir quail ./CXTERM-DIC

Warning: arch-dependent data dir (c:/emacs/bin/) does not exist.
Warning: arch-independent data dir (c:/emacs/etc/) does not exist.
Converting c:/home/tmp/emacs-21.2/nt/CXTERM-DIC to quail-package...
Opening input file: no such file or directory, 
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 
'"C:\home\tmp\emacs-21.2\leim/../src/obj-spd/i386/emacs.exe"' : return code 
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual 
Studio\VC98\bin\nmake.exe"' : return code '0x2'

Why c:/home/tmp/emacs-21.2/nt/CXTERM-DIC?  CXTERM-DIC is at
c:/home/tmp/emacs-21.2/leim.  Because chdir ../leim is done in
makefile, and Emacs uses wrong PWD c:/home/tmp/emacs-21.2/nt to open
./CXTERM-DIC.  With the patch I post, this error will never happen.

Same problems happen quite often with Emacs Lisp products, for
example, T-gnus
(http://lists.airs.net/semi-gnus/archive/200101/msg00057.html if you
can read Japanese), whose 'Makefile's do chdir before try to invoke
Emacs to byte-compile '*.el's,

Keiichiro Nagano

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