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Re: how could the mighty emacs lack --fullscreen ?

From: Sam Steingold
Subject: Re: how could the mighty emacs lack --fullscreen ?
Date: 23 Dec 2001 15:00:00 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.1.50

> * In message <address@hidden>
> * On the subject of "Re: how could the mighty emacs lack --fullscreen ?"
> * Sent on Sat, 22 Dec 2001 23:26:59 -0700 (MST)
> * Honorable Richard Stallman <address@hidden> writes:
>     It makes the window cover the screen, but it is no maximized in
>     the window manager sense, i.e. if there is a maximize button that
>     the window manager puts on the window it is not in the maximize
>     state. maybe that doesn't matter.
> Would you like to implement this in Emacs?  Maybe the option could be
> done in Lisp using x-display-pixel-width and x-display-pixel-height.

several months ago I asked on gnu.emacs.help:

I would like my Emacs frames to be 80 columns wide but as tall as
possible (on all machines), so I have to set `initial-frame-alist' and
`default-frame-alist' appropriately.

How do I compute the screen size in lines of text?

The correct answer is, obviously,

(/ (- (display-pixel-height)                        ; got this
      (title-bar-pixel-height)                      ; WM-specific
      (* (menu-bar-pixel-height)                    ; ??
         (frame-parameter ?? 'menu-bar-lines))
      (* (tool-bar-pixel-height)                    ; ??
         (frame-parameter ?? 'tool-bar-lines)))
   (font--pixel-height (frame-parameter ?? 'font))) ; ??

Any suggestions?

On woe32 this can be accomplished with this:

(set-frame-height nil
   (w32-send-sys-command #xf030)
   (w32-send-sys-command #xf120)))
(This code demonstrates what I want to accomplish, _not_ _how_ I want to
do it.  The way I want it to be done is compute the pixel height of a
font and go from there.)

the gist of replies I got was: forget it.

maybe this functionality could be added, after all?

Sam Steingold (http://www.podval.org/~sds)
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