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[Libjit-developers] jit_function_recompile

From: Aleksey Demakov
Subject: [Libjit-developers] jit_function_recompile
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 14:22:43 +0600

Hi all,

I am going to remove the jit_function_recompile function
from libjit. This function is inconsistent with use patterns
of jit_function_create and jit_function_compile functions.
It makes jit_context_build_start and jit_context_build_end
calls internally while other functions imply that these calls
are made by the user.

So it is possible to create and compile multiple functions
in single context lock section. I do not see why this rule
should not be used for recompilation as well.

Additinally for some users jit_context_build_start and
jit_context_build_end functions alone do not provide
adequate means of synchronization. For on-demand
compilation this problem was resolved by introduction
of user-defined compilation drivers that let override the
default synchronization scheme. For recompilation this
problem was not addressed so far.

Apart from synchronization jit_function_recompile also calls
function's on-demand compiler if necessary. It should be
trivial for a libjit user to call it by hand so the best way to
resolve the jit_function_recompile inconsistency is to
remove it altogether.

As the result the the code like this


has to be rewritten to something like this:


Yes, it is a bit more code but also more flexibility. The user
may choose to do synchronization differently - like queue
the compilation task to a dedicated thread. Also the user
supplied on-demand compiler could do jit_function_compile
internally so there may be no need to call it explicitely here.


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