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[Dolibarr-bugtrack] [Bug #1578] Cannot create proposal by copy of anothe

From: Doliforge
Subject: [Dolibarr-bugtrack] [Bug #1578] Cannot create proposal by copy of another one
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 17:46:00 +0100

Ce message ne s'affiche pas correctement?
mettez à jour vos préférences utilisateur.

Cannot create proposal by copy of another one

Dernières modifications

16/11/2014 17:46 (Europe/Paris)
I've tried to update to the last dev version to check.
I've no error when creating a new one but if I try to "Créer proposition/devis par recopie d'un proposition existant", I now have this error:

Catchable fatal error: Argument 3 passed to InterfaceLogevents::runTrigger() must be an instance of User, string given, called in /home/virtualhosts/lumicadrecomptadev/htdocs/core/class/interfaces.class.php on line 160 and defined in /home/virtualhosts/lumicadrecomptadev/htdocs/core/triggers/interface_20_all_Logevents.class.php on line 50

Not sure if it may be linked to my datas but I still can't create a proposal by copying an old one.



Submitted by:  Francois Couque (fcouque) Submitted on:  23/08/2014 13:02
Last Modified On:  16/11/2014 16:42 
Summary:  Cannot create proposal by copy of another one
Description:  When creating the draft of a proposal by copy an old one, we get a fatal error message:
La référence utilisée pour la création existe déjà

I've "fixed" it quickly by moving the create fonction in the else part where it should probably be. Currently, in this workflow, there is a first $object->create_from($user); then $object->create($user);
The second one failed because the ref has been already created.
Step to reproduce bug:  1 Choose a customer
2 Go to proposal tab
3 Click create proposal button
4 Select "Créer proposition/devis par recopie d'un proposition existant" and an old proposal.
5 Click "create draft button"
Detected in version:  3.6.0 Category:  Module: Proposals
Severity:  5 - Major OS Type/Version:  Debian Linux 2.6.32
PHP version:  5.3.8 Database type and version:  Mysql 5.1.39
Status:  Closed Assigned to:  Laurent Destailleur (eldy)
Resolution:  Fixed 


Francois Couque 16/11/2014 17:46
I've tried to update to the last dev version to check.
I've no error when creating a new one but if I try to "Créer proposition/devis par recopie d'un proposition existant", I now have this error:

Catchable fatal error: Argument 3 passed to InterfaceLogevents::runTrigger() must be an instance of User, string given, called in /home/virtualhosts/lumicadrecomptadev/htdocs/core/class/interfaces.class.php on line 160 and defined in /home/virtualhosts/lumicadrecomptadev/htdocs/core/triggers/interface_20_all_Logevents.class.php on line 50

Not sure if it may be linked to my datas but I still can't create a proposal by copying an old one.
Laurent Destailleur 16/11/2014 16:42
Bug can't be reproduced on last develop version or may be
obsolete because of changes, so we suppose it was silently fixed.
Because of this, we close the request.

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