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Re: Debian and Ubuntu packages - 2015/06/03

From: Ivan Vučica
Subject: Re: Debian and Ubuntu packages - 2015/06/03
Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2015 11:15:41 +0000


I've been toying with using Clang for building Debian packages back in November. Backstory of how I got there, for those interested, is below. So how did I go about it?
- install gcc and g++
- install clang-3.5 -- explicitly
- symlink all gcc-X.Y and g++-X.Y to clang and clang++, respectively
- symlink gcc and g++ to clang and clang++
- symlink clang and clang++ to clang-3.5 and clang++-3.5
- proceed with building the package
This is essentially a rework of the idea from http://clang.debian.net/. See [1].

This was part of investigation to have a way to spin up a Digital Ocean instance that would do nothing but build GNUstep Debian packages. One would collect the results and then destroy the instance. (The intended approach was to use Digital Ocean instances' 'user data', supplied when the instance is being spun up. This is nothing but a shell script.)

Yesterday I've been reworking that to work with Docker. I was going to announce this when it actually worked, but interested parties can take a look at [2].

The build currently breaks within gnustep-base. I have a patch from November for Source/Additions/GSObjCRuntime.m and Source/NSException.m, but it's hacky. Plus, I fear touching such low-level files. I'll eventually send this out for review, after I go once more through it, and after I rebase the patch on latest -base.

[1]: https://bitbucket.org/ivucica/gnustep-ubuntu/src/090850d1fb1cfbc3a0e1eb7ef5d7f34f56bc4f71/docker/prereq/prereq.sh?at=default
[2]: https://bitbucket.org/ivucica/gnustep-ubuntu/src/090850d1fb1cfbc3a0e1eb7ef5d7f34f56bc4f71/docker/?at=default

On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 11:52 AM Philippe Roussel <p.o.roussel@free.fr> wrote:
On Thu, Jun 04, 2015 at 11:07:09AM +0100, David Chisnall wrote:
> On 4 Jun 2015, at 08:51, Philippe Roussel <p.o.roussel@free.fr> wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, Jun 04, 2015 at 05:11:21PM +1000, Svetlana A. Tkachenko wrote:
> >> Oh, and my understanding is that Debian's gnustep-* packages are
> >> compiled using gcc. Am I wrong? If not, then how may this valuable set
> >> of packages compiled with clang be put into the main Debian
> >> repositories?
> >
> > You would have to wait for debian to switch to clang as official
> > compiler I think, and that could take a while :o)
> Does Debian not have infrastructure for compiling some packages with
> different compilers?  What do they do about things like Sphinx that
> won’t build with a recent GCC?

The truth is that I don't have a clue... They may have something like
that and it would be nice to know it. If someone have informations,
please share.

L'espoir, c'est la tension artérielle du fonctionnaire... Michael Petit

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