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Re: Terminal.app test color

From: Luis Garcia Alanis
Subject: Re: Terminal.app test color
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 17:09:05 -0700


The setting would be GSFontAntiAlias option the system preferences.

What I was doing is trying to modify terminal app to always render its fonts without Antialiasing, regarthless of them being bitmap or not.

Try the hack and feel the love :)

We just need to enable this functionality in gnustep-back/gui

On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 4:06 AM, Riccardo Mottola <riccardo.mottola@libero.it> wrote:

On 03/30/15 11:02, Luis Garcia Alanis wrote:
There is a setting on the System Preferences.app Defaults. but it seems to be broken since it seems to do nothing.

which setting? I think there is one but I fear it works for xlib+freetype only? I don't remember.

I looked into the Terminal.app code myself since I also use it and hate how it looks (the fonts).

Terminal uses the available fonts. If you select e.g. "Terminal" or "fixed" in the available bitmap sizes on the cairo or xlib backend, it will look exactly like xterm. Except if your backend hangs right on these fonts, it happens for me in cairo on x86-32bit, but it is some kind of compiler optimization problem.


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