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document icon files - resources

From: Riccardo Mottola
Subject: document icon files - resources
Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 23:21:55 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; FreeBSD i386; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0 SeaMonkey/2.30


I noticed that once ProjectCenter is installed, it should show icons for its files, however this works only for the project file, but not the various .h, .m and .c files.

In NSTypes, the project file is registered as:
      NSDocumentClass = PCProjectDocument;
      NSHumanReadableName = "GNUstep project";
      NSIcon = FileProject.tiff;
      NSName = GSPCProjectFileType;
      NSRole = Editor;
      NSUnixExtensions = ( pcproj );

and this is fine and works fine.

For .H and ,M files I have:
      NSDocumentClass = PCClassDocument;
      NSHumanReadableName = "Objective C class file";
      NSIcon = ProjectCenter.editor/Resources/FileM.tiff;
      NSName = GSClassType;
      NSRole = Editor;
      NSUnixExtensions = ( m );

It looks quite the same, although one sees that NSIcon is a sub-path.
It gets installed exactly in that place:

> ls Resources/ProjectCenter.editor/Resources/FileM.tiff

So it looks fine. Why doesn't it work?
A double-click on a .h file will in my case open ProjectCenter (I can see the Tool in the GWorkspace Inspector) but no icon shows.

Is this perhaps wrong? should the icons move to the app's resources Root? Apparently the idea was that that different editors (PC is modular) could contribute editing for different file types.


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