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Problem with catching exceptions on ARM

From: Mathias Bauer
Subject: Problem with catching exceptions on ARM
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 14:44:07 +0100
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Dear list members,

I'm currently porting a mid-size Objective-C library that usually runs on Mac OS and iOS to GNUstep/Linux. After several weeks of work I'm now a happy camper on my Ubuntu/X86 system, but switching to OpenSuse/ARMv7 brought up a new problem that I couldn't solve even after several days.

I'm using the LLVM 3.3 Release Package from OpenSuse (official repo) and the libobjc2 sources from the GNUstep repo (http://svn.gna.org/svn/gnustep/libs/libobjc2/trunk).

Both where used for building GNUstep (I'm only using base as I don't have any UI).

The problem is that with this combination no exceptions are caught in my code. Means: try/catch doesn't work, raising an exception will always abort the program. The same code works fine on Ubuntu/X86.

Does this ring a bell for somebody?


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