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Re: How is the best way to setup a gnustep project center / gorm develop

From: Rose Bust
Subject: Re: How is the best way to setup a gnustep project center / gorm development environment ?
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2012 23:13:18 -0400

Thank you very much!! That is exactly what I was looking for.  btw) Does the 
www.gnustep.org have a link to this vm?  If not it really needs one.  This is 
just  awesome.

On Aug 15, 2012, at 3:50 PM, Riccardo Mottola wrote:

> Hi Rose,
> On 2012-08-14 17:23:36 +0200 Rose Bust <rosebust@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm trying to set up a learning environment where I can work through the 
>> developer documents on from the gnustep website to get a better feel for 
>> developing gnustep GUI apps.  I  have some experience developing under xcode.
>> A fresh install of gnustep, project center and gorm on both windows xp and 
>> ubuntu (from binaries windows install executable and apt-get on ubuntu) does 
>> not result in project center able to build simple template applications it 
>> creates from a new project selection from its menu.  I can build the 
>> application by running make from the command line but this sorta defeats the 
>> reason to use an IDE such as project center.  Also just changing the project 
>> centers preferences for the location of make didn't fix this issue.
> This smells as a problem with the Ubuntu packages.
> The window packages are known to be problematic, but as far as I remember, 
> Adam just updated them, so everything should work. Latest project center and 
> Gorm do work under windos, although it is a suboptimal target platform to 
> develop on. I suggest to work under unix and then test and compile under 
> windows if you wish to targed that platform. I do that. And at best, 
> everything is generated under unic and ou just need a "make"
>> So.. What is the best way to set up a new installation gnustep such that 
>> project center and gorm just work together as they appear that they are 
>> designed to do?  Is there an earlier release of gnustep where this is not a 
>> problem?
> The latest releases should do. You might want to install  everything from 
> source. Or just install the gnustep core from the packages (windows or 
> ubuntu) and then install the applications. I do that sometimes.
> A very quick option would be to try a VM. We offer a ready image with the 
> tools configurated that work, thants to Richard's work:
> http://www.rstonehouse.co.uk/extras/GNUstep-VM-0.9/
> it is not th latest stuff anymore, but it should work out of the box and give 
> you the tools to work. Also, it is a reference on how to configure things to 
> get it working, in csase you want to try some do-it-yourself.
> Riccardo

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