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Re: Character shifting with cairo

From: Sebastian Reitenbach
Subject: Re: Character shifting with cairo
Date: Mon, 02 Jan 2012 09:13:32 +0100
User-agent: SOGoMail 1.3.11

On Monday, January 2, 2012 09:00 CET, Riccardo Mottola 
<riccardo.mottola@libero.it> wrote: 
> Hi,
> > That patch helped a little, but did not made it perfect. Wihtout the patch, 
> > it looks like Riccardos screenshot, sometimes characters above each other.
> > With the patch, the characters are not above each other anymore, but still 
> > very close to each other.
> yep.
> > As I wrote in the other thread, the problem for me only seems to be on 
> > screens with 4:3 resolution. On widescreens everything looks good, with and 
> > without the patch.
> I cannot confirm this claim, at least not generally. The problem happens 
> indeed on my laptop which is 4:3, but when I export the display to 
> another computer, which is 4:3 too, just higher instead of 1024x768, it 

Ah, yes, also for me, where I see the problems, its 1024x768. But its the only 
monitor I have around, all the others are widescreen, where it just looks OK, 
I came to my conclusion.

> does not show. However, it might "go away" with exporting due to some 
> font rendering nuances? I'm not sure. I notice that, for example in 
> GWorkspace, where the screen bitmap font is used, spacing is perfect, 
> where it is anti-aliased, it is not. (For example Inspector of 
> GWorkspace vs. its list views). I suppose it is the same system font 
> Helvetica, so this AA vs. non-AA mix is curious, possibly slightly 
> different sizes?
> Riccardo
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