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words are cutted in drop down menus, and still squeezed fonts

From: Sebastian Reitenbach
Subject: words are cutted in drop down menus, and still squeezed fonts
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2011 09:41:15 +0100
User-agent: SOGoMail 1.3.10


I just noticed in drop down menus, like in the Preferences used for example in 
Burn or GWorkspace, longer words are not complete. See attached screenshot 
example of Preferences of Burn. Its similar in GWorkspace.

The fonts are still squeezed for me, like I wrote some weeks ago.
Don't know whether the cutted words problem already existed when I wrote the 
mail regarding the squeezed fonts, I only noticed it now.

I run gnustep-base, -gui, -back from svn, using cairo backend on OpenBSD 5.0 
-current, i386, linked against libobjc2-1.6, used clang 3.0rc4 as compiler. 
-gui is linked against ImageMagick, in case it may matter. 

Anyone else seen this, and/or maybe have an idea what causes this?


PNG image

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