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Re: question about low availability of Mac OS X applications that has Gn

From: Banlu Kemiyatorn
Subject: Re: question about low availability of Mac OS X applications that has GnuStep edition
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 01:59:14 +0700

I think relying the future on portability won't bring GNUstep to
anywhere but here as it is hard to compete with existing development
environment on those platforms and the target group of users and
contents are unfortunately already divided to each platform. A QT app
would make a hard time to compete with a similar Cocoa app on OSX.
Building user interfaces isn't a hard work, the functionalities are so
the portability would be better focused from the framework's

I personally believe that 3 ways to bring GNUstep to the mass are..
1) Make a large but stupid company to adopt it and flood a lot of
money into it. Ha! one almost did too bad they suddenly realized they
shouldn't do that in first place, at least not for now.
2) Win a platform. We for example must make GNUstep better than GTK+
on GNOME but in the end of day we will be just there, just like GNOME.
3) The easiest way, imo, is focusing on the functionalities, make a
killer desktop application that everybody would want to use. Something
that actually generate revenue. Giving people jobs, giving people real
profits. Like a Photoshop  or 3DS Max killer, or a real video editing
app, InDesign or Illustrator killer, just pick one. We all should
unite our efforts on a single or two apps. Then we will have our own
legs to stand on.

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 11:20 AM, Zhang Weiwu, Beijing
<zhangweiwu@realss.com> wrote:
> Hi. I have one question as a stupid user: why there is no commercial Mac
> OS X application that was ever offered also offer GNU Step binary?
> I had been using Mac OS on one computer and gnustep on another for 5
> years without coming across one application that runs on both. I dimly
> remembered around 3 years ago I even wrote to one of the vendor asking
> them to port to gnustep saying "it's just a re-compilation" and they
> replied they didn't know gnustep could do that and yet it's not a
> priority now for them to test if what I said is true, but would be happy
> to do that when they got the time, which usually means forever.
> No criticism. I am too stupid to know the detail to comment insightfully
> on any topic being discussed here. I am juts being curious why it's not
> already happening that a lot of Mac OS applications (and AppStore
> applications) water-flow to Linux users like they did in Apple's new world.
> Best regards
> --
> 我的博客:
> http://zhangweiwu.ixiezi.com/
> 网站进化论 --写给需要网站或后悔有了网站的人
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    .----.     Banlu Kemiyatorn
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