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Re: GNUstep on OpenBSD..

From: Sebastian Reitenbach
Subject: Re: GNUstep on OpenBSD..
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 08:55:38 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.10.3 (Linux/; KDE/4.1.3; x86_64; ; )


On Monday 13 December 2010 09:21:01 pm Krishna wrote:
> Hello Sebastian,
> On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 12:14 AM, Sebastian Reitenbach
> <sebastia@l00-bugdead-prods.de> wrote:
> > I'll be there, which reminds me that I should add myself to the list of
> > people available there. I think I could fill 10 minutes talking about
> > GNUstep on OpenBSD,
> Yesterday, I tried your packages on the latest OpenBSD/amd64 snapshot
> and ran into some problems compiling SystemPreferences.app. The build
> failed to find -lPreferencesPane (or something like that) even though
> I did a make install to /usr/local/lib and there was a
> libPreferencesPane.so.1.

when you compile, you should export the variable:

to generate a libPreferencesPane.so.0.0

take a look at attached port. The gnumake package Makefiles are a bit hacked 
up to match the constraints/requirements of the ports framework, i.e. 
libraries need to have libPreferencesPane.so.MAJOR.MINOR, and not the Linuxish 
symlink clutter around.

However, with the port I have the following problem:
when I start SystemPreferences, then I see on the console the following error:
Error (objc-load): File not found
and short after that, a error message window shows up, stating the following:

Bad pane bundle at: /usr/local/lib/GNUstep/Bundles/Defaults.prefPane!

But I have those files at the location:
$ ls -l /usr/local/lib/GNUstep/Bundles/Defaults.prefPane
total 208
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  bin    102302 Dec 14 08:32 Defaults.so
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  wheel     512 Dec 14 08:36 Resources
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin        39 Dec 14 08:32 stamp.make
$ ls -l /usr/local/lib/GNUstep/Bundles/Defaults.prefPane/Resources/
total 28
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  bin    9504 Dec 14 08:32 Defaults.tiff
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  wheel   512 Dec 14 08:36 English.lproj
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin     279 Dec 14 08:32 Info-gnustep.plist

and I don't know why SystemPreferences thinks there is a problem.
If someone could point me into the right direction where I should poke to 
figure out what's wrong would be great.

> The other thing is when I installed the Objective-C compiler from the
> gobjc package it installed a different version of libobjc in
> /usr/local/lib while the libraries from your packages were linking to
> a different version of libobjc in /usr/lib. This was causing some
> problems too although I don't remember the exact messages.
Yes, this is a known problem. The gnustep ports from the ports tree link 
against the system libobjc. When you have installed a version from ports in 
/usr/local/lib, then there is no way to tell GNUmake to use the version in 
/usr/lib instead. IIRC, I discussed that with Nicola last year on the Fosdem, 
and he said that is all fine "by design", and there is no need to change that.

> Is it possible to set a better defaults? The fonts for example were
> too small (9pt?) and almost unreadable.
Where have you seen this, I have a very tiny monitor, with very high 
resolution, but font sizes are reasonable for me, they more or less match the 
size of other apps, and I can read it very fine.

> I think OpenBSD presents a good opportunity for GNUstep as a desktop.
> Let me know if you want to test anything.
If you run into specific problems with ports on OpenBSD, or you miss a GNUstep 
port, let me know.


> Cheers,
>   --krishna
> --
> The programmer is fighting against the two most destructive forces in
> the universe: entropy and human stupidity.
>   --Damian Conway

Attachment: systempreferences.tar.gz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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