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Re: Renaissance, Obj-C, Handling the sound attribute of a button

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: Renaissance, Obj-C, Handling the sound attribute of a button
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 22:37:54 +0200 (CEST)

Yes :-)

Btw, my guess is that this has nothing to do with Renaissance.  The problem is 

 [NSSound soundNamed: @"GombHangja_Magas.wav"];

does not work (ie, returns 'nil') when the sound is a local file inside the
application bundle.  It should be easy to write a short test and check.


-----Original Message-----
From: "Yavor Doganov" <yavor@gnu.org>
Sent: Wednesday, 29 September, 2010 13:37
To: discuss-gnustep@gnu.org
Subject: Re: Renaissance, Obj-C, Handling the sound attribute of a button

В Fri, 24 Sep 2010 09:00:06 +0200, Csanyi Pal написа:
> The GombHangja_Magas.wav soundfile is already there in the app's
> Resources directory.

Perhaps you could try with removing the extension from the sound 
attribute, e.g. <button ... sound="GombHangja_Magas" ... />?

According to the Renaissance manual, there is no need to specify the file 
extension.  But I really doubt that's the culprit...  If it still fails, 
which I think will happen, it might be a Renaissance bug.  To track it 
down, I'd suggest to put breakpoints and step through to see what 
actually happens.

What happens with a classic simple "Hello World" program using plain
setSound: methods (i.e. no nibs, no renaissance markup)?

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