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[SOLVED] Re: Debian: none of the GNUStep application starts. Error:

From: Zhang Weiwu
Subject: [SOLVED] Re: Debian: none of the GNUStep application starts. Error:
Date: Thu, 07 May 2009 09:07:52 +0800
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20090103)

Niels Grewe wrote:
On Wed, May 06, 2009 at 06:45:05PM +0800, Zhang Weiwu wrote:
2009-05-06 18:38:16.098 Terminal[2739] The font specified for NSFont, 
Helvetica, can't be found.

I believe I already ran into this one: If I'm not mistaken, the cairo
backend will use fontconfig, so you should try to set the NSFont (and
NSBoldFont) defaults to one of the fonts available via fontconfig (the
"fc-list"-command will output a list of available fonts). That said, I
highly suspect that your segfault is unrelated to the font issue.
Hi thanks I solved it with:
$ defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSFont 'DejaVu Sans'
The segfault disappeared after font setting. Although I could not understand why fc-list does not list Helvetica which is a default installed font.

I more or less consider this is a packager's mistake. I am using a fresh Debian installation just installed yesterday and have not any customized configuration. Knowing the default debian installation does not have Helvetic in fc-list the packager should default to a usable font. After all many people choose to use a distribution instead of compiling everything manually is because they want the task to fight dependency & configuration an optional task instead of mandantory.

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