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Re: Problems with Replacing a String is a NSMutableString

From: Helge Hess
Subject: Re: Problems with Replacing a String is a NSMutableString
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 10:41:40 +0200

On 24.07.2008, at 10:20, Charles philip Chan wrote:
Keys for collections are copied
   ^^^                      ^^^^^
by the collection to insure they are immutable. Allowing them to be mutable would break the internal hash lookups.
I still don't understand this
| Returns an array containing all the dictionary's keys that are

| associated with anObject.[1]

So basically I am returning an array of the keys, and since there is
only 1 key for the object "Album" I search for it at index zero in the
array and return it as an NSMutableString.

Dictionary keys are never NSMutableString objects. As David says, the NSMutableString will get copied when its used as a dictionary key.

  NSString *key = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"bla"];
  [yourDict setObject:@"this and that" forKey:key];
  // the yourDict has no reference to your 'key' object,
  // it made a copy

Aproximately this happens from a copy-perspective:

  NSString *key = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"bla"];
  NSString *dictCopy;

  dictCopy = [key copy];
  [yourDict setObject:@"this and that" forKey:dictCopy];
  [dictCopy release];

As mentioned by David a mutable object can't be used as a hashtable key for rather obvious reasons :-) (if not, lookup hashtable in Wikipedia :-)
NSMutableDictionary ensures the immutability by calling -copy.

Helge Hess

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