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Two small GUI bug fixes

From: Wolfgang Lux
Subject: Two small GUI bug fixes
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 09:55:28 +0100


here are two more small bug fixes for GUI.

The first concerns NSTableView's -draggingUpdated: implementation, which
invariably passes NSTableViewDropAbove instead of the current drop operation to the delegate's - tableView:validateDrop:proposedRow:proposedDropOperation:

Attachment: NSTableView.patch
Description: Binary data

The second patch fixes NSDocument's -windowForSheet: operation to return
nil instead of [NSApp mainWindow] if the document has no associated window. This is the behavior implemented by Cocoa on OS X (the documentation does say otherwise). It is also the only reasonable behavior, it would not make
sense to attach a sheet to window that is not owned by the document.

Attachment: NSDocument.patch
Description: Binary data


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