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From: Helge Hess
Subject: Re: KVC
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 21:45:05 +0200

On Jun 6, 2007, at 20:55, Chris Farber wrote:
The other thread about KVC and unicode reminded me of this email. Are you talking about the behavior of valueForKeyPath: here?

Not sure what you mean. Is there anything missing in the quoted email? Its not related to pathes.

I just noticed a minor difference between Cocoa and gnustep-base KVC. Both support the new

However, on Cocoa -takeValue:forKey: still seems to be called if the method isn't implemented (I suppose to ensure compatibility). On GNUstep it just fails (the unknown key exception).

Maybe if I re-explain it. In MacOS 10.4 (or 10.3?, don't remember) Apple changed the KVC API. The selector:


got renamed to


( what a great idea ... ;-/ )

Since a lot of code (including OGo ;-) was written before MacOS 10.3/4, the code does not override setValue:forKey: but takeValue:forKey: if it wants to modify the default KVC behaviour of an object.

Now GNUstep only seems to support the new API (setValue:forKey:) for code which changes the KVC behaviour. That is, our custom takeValue:forKey: implementations are not called anymore. On Cocoa it seems to be different. If your class overrides - takeValue:forKey:, but not -setValue:forKey:, KVC will still call your overridden -takeValue:forKey: method.

Maybe I'm wrong. As Richard suggested it would be best to come up with a series of tests for the KVC behaviour in various setups.

Helge Hess

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