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Re: ANN: GUI-0.11.0

From: Gerold Rupprecht
Subject: Re: ANN: GUI-0.11.0
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 21:42:12 +0000

On 2006-08-30 09:06:17 +0000 Andreas Höschler <ahoesch@smartsoft.de> wrote:

> On Mittwoch, August 30, 2006, at 09:55  Uhr, Nicolas Roard wrote:
>>> Hello Gregory,
>>>> * RTFD loading and writing... ;-)
>>> Have you read my posting about the incompatibilty between Mac rtf and
>>> GNUstep rtf? Has this issue been addressed as well?
>> We can certainly read rtf file from OSX; for the accents, I thought it
>> worked with utf encoding when I tried with a french rtf file (can't
>> retry right now, it was a couple of months ago so perhaps I'm wrong);
>> so I'm not sure why you don't get it to work with german... could you
>> send me a test file ?
> I created this file on a Mac
> If I open it on GNustep with TextEdit.app the german letters are gone. If I 
> create a file under GNUstep and open it on a Mac (TextEdit.app), the german 
> characters are replaced with garbage!?
> Regards,
>   Andreas
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I get the following messages after loading your file:

2006-08-30 21:34:24.120 TextEdit[5571] Warning - mouse/pointer seems to have 
more than 5 buttons - just using one to five
2006-08-30 21:34:24.373 TextEdit[5571] KeySym NoSymbol not found; disabling 
2006-08-30 21:34:24.374 TextEdit[5571] KeySym NoSymbol not found; disabling 
2006-08-30 21:34:41.580 TextEdit[5571] Warning: (NSLayoutManager) 
-[NSLayoutManager setHyphenationFactor:] not implemented
2006-08-30 21:34:41.587 TextEdit[5571] Warning: (NSLayoutManager) 
-[NSLayoutManager setHyphenationFactor:] not implemented

Does this suggest anything?



Gerold Rupprecht
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CH-1206 Geneva

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