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ANN: Étoilé 0.1 released

From: Quentin Mathé
Subject: ANN: Étoilé 0.1 released
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 02:40:06 +0100


I'm happy to announce first Étoilé release.
Many thanks to all people who contributed to it (special thanks to Nicolas Roard, Yen-Ju Chen and Jesse Ross ;-).
Étoilé website is here : <http://www.etoile-project.org>

You may be interested to read about Étoilé vision in this interview recently published : <https://gna.org/forum/forum.php?forum_id=1046>

That's it :-)

Étoilé 0.1 Released

February 22, 2006 (From Internet). Today, the Étoilé project releases the first developer preview release of the Étoilé user environment. Étoilé is a GNUstep-based desktop environment for Linux and other Unix operating systems
which aims to improve project workflow for users.
Étoilé 0.1 consists of several frameworks which lay the foundation for the future developments of the project. This release is targeted at current GNUstep
and Cocoa developers.

Key Features of Étoilé 0.1 for developers

        * LuceneKit 0.1
        Lucene is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library
originally developed in Java. LuceneKit is a class-to-class port of Lucene in GNUstep. It is a technology suitable for nearly any application that requires
        full-text search.
        * OgreKit 1.0 (GNUstep version)
OgreKit is an OniGuruma regular expression framework for Cocoa. OniGuruma supports different styles of regular expression (POSIX, Perl, Ruby, etc.). The GNUstep version of OgreKit is a port of the non-GUI portion of the original OgreKit, and is able to do searching and replacing with regular expression.
        * PreferencesKit 0.1
PreferencesKit is a framework which provides various features to build flexible
        Preferences-like window in any GNUstep or Cocoa applications.

        * SQLiteClient 0.1 (Cocoa only)

SQLiteClient is a SQLClient/SQLite port from SQLClient library in GNUstep/dev-libs.
    It uses sqlite3 library and is supposed to work only on Mac OS X.

        * UnitKit 1.1 (GNUstep version)
UnitKit is a unit test framework for Objective-C. It is a port of latest Cocoa
        version, and contains few additional new features.

        * Developer Examples
More detailed Release Notes may be found here:
<http://www.dromasoftware.com/etoile/mediawiki/index.php? title=Latest_Release_Notes>


Étoilé 0.1 is currently available in code source form only and may be downloaded
at :

Instructions to compile and install it are located at:

For developer related documentation, visit:
<http://www.dromasoftware.com/etoile/mediawiki/index.php? title=Frameworks_Suite>

About Étoilé

Étoilé is an independent project of various developers and artists which aims to create an open source and innovative GNUstep-based desktop environment.

The Étoilé environment is document- and project-centric, and built from the ground up on light, highly modular components. Étoilé's emphasis on modularity encourages users to create personalized workflows by reshaping and recombining provided Services and Components. This plug-in model of building applications and workflows allows for a natural flexibility which is suitable for scaling from PDAs to high-end

More Information

Visit our website: <http://www.etoile-project.org/>
Email the project lead: qmathe@gna.org


    GNUstep: <http://www.gnustep.org/>
    Cocoa: <http://developer.apple.com/cocoa/>
    Lucene: <http://lucene.apache.org/java/>
    OgreKit: <http://www8.ocn.ne.jp/~sonoisa/OgreKit/>
    UnitKit: <http://www.unitkit.org/>

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