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Re: debuging help (on Windows)

From: Sheldon Gill
Subject: Re: debuging help (on Windows)
Date: Thu, 02 Feb 2006 12:46:42 +0800
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (Windows/20051201)

Lloyd Dupont wrote:
Ah! Then you need to instrument your managed C++ code. It is handling the Objective-C invocations from C# right?

Looking alright and actually being alright are two different things ;)

I know but... if it looks alright, that mean I can't find the fault!

That's where assertions, unit tests and instrumentation help out ;)


I wonder now if it could be that if I call Release explicitely, when object get disposed by .NET, Release is called a second time.... (I mean in my finalization code I explicitely call release and set an internal handle to null, whereas the auto-generated MC++ code for Release call [obj release] but doesn't dismiss the internal handle)...
I might have it....
It certainly looks suspicious...
Thanks for this brainstorm ;-)

Welcome :)

Ah. I'd need to see the code to be of more help here. I'd guess you've a pointer handling problem in the binding. An invalid memory access here would seem to me that you're calling p with an invalid reference.

Sorry, I already disccussed extensiveley about that with my boss.
our "GNUstep.NET" binding is doomed to stay closed source for now.

I understand that. More work for you ;)

Anyway, my point was actually that I simply can't help more without seeing the code.

(Not that I think everything should be OpenSourced, but I think this work would gain from it).

Quite a bit, I'd think. I don't see much point in keeping it entirely in-house. It's hardly your core business. Still, bosses know best...

A bit difficult, the ObjectiveC code is huge, is not mine, and we have no fcode sharing solution in place (:-(

What fcode sharing do you think should be in place?

I meand code sharing.

As in, sharing parts of your code with the rest of the community?

In fact I think I should take the opportunity that my boss is away this week to install Subversion on his computer... (which is vaguely planned at the bottom of our TODO list after this and that and anything that could popup in between) (Or would you advise me to use CVS? I have been told subversion is more flexible, particularly if I change my mind regarding folder hierarchy/ filenames)

GDB may help. You might like to use Insight as a front-end.

GDB doesn't help because command line, ObjectiveC test seems to work fine.

I don't see why this is a limitation. You can attach gdb to your running application and debug away from there.

could I do that?
I have to try!

Yes, I think you do.

I think I had some other problem with GDB like meaningless function name and stuff (in the C part of the code, regardless of the .NET layer)

It can take a while to become familiar with GDB. A front-end can help with that.

Apparently the libraries used by GNUstep (and GNUstep itself) is missing debugging information or something.

If you build them right the debugging info is all there.


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