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Re: List of GNUstep fixes

From: Andreas Höschler
Subject: Re: List of GNUstep fixes
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 22:21:53 +0100

Hi Fred,


- (void)synchronizeTitleAndSelectedItem
int index;

if (!_pbcFlags.usesItemFromMenu) return;

if ([_menu numberOfItems] == 0)
index = -1;
else if (_pbcFlags.pullsDown)
index = 0;
index = [[_menu menuRepresentation] highlightedItemIndex];
if (index < 0) index = [self indexOfSelectedItem];
// if (index < 0) index = 0; // <--------------- this is bad

if ((index >= 0) && ([_menu numberOfItems] > index))
NSMenuItem *anItem;

// This conversion is needed as [setMenuItem:] expects an NSMenuItem
anItem = (NSMenuItem *)[_menu itemAtIndex: index];
[self setMenuItem: anItem];
[self setMenuItem: nil];

Here our implementations matches the specification, why should we
deviate from that?

Because the behaviour is simply wrong.

- (void)selectItem(id <NSMenuItem>)anObject

Selects the menu item
anObject in the pop-up menu. If anObject is nil, all items in the menu are deselected (this is a technique for obtaining a pop-up menu with no items selected).

When I send selectItem:nil to a NSPopUp I want the selection to vanish. This works on MacOSX as it should. On GNUstep the above mentioned line prevents the correct behaviour.



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