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Re: Best distribution layout on mingw? (was Re: GNUSTEP_USER_CONFIG prob

From: Lloyd Dupont
Subject: Re: Best distribution layout on mingw? (was Re: GNUSTEP_USER_CONFIG problem (Windows))
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2005 09:02:18 +1000

2) GS-Runtime + application

   Program Files\Common Files\GNUstep
let me strongly disagree with that.
are all GNUstep version 100% compatible backward and forward?
(and there is a new version everyday)
if not (just a little) if someone else install a GNUstep application it might very well break your app.
what about that?

Any better ideas?

Yes, registry support.

I think it's a very bad idea again.
Because the registry means 1 location for a shared GNUstep.

Actually that's the reason MS got away of registry and want config file. Because they want to avoid DLL Hell.

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