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RE: Gnustep gui and win32 visual styles (theme)

From: Frode
Subject: RE: Gnustep gui and win32 visual styles (theme)
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2005 19:54:43 +0100

I noticed I'm not receving all postings sent on this thread. I have no
idea how this can come... Does anyone experience similar behavior? %)

Anyway, I looked at the SF project page for GTK-WIMP and at first glance
it looks exactly like what I'm desiring.

But I think GTK-WIMP knows what do be drawed, something that
NSButtonCell doesn't do since it never remembers the NSButtonType. An
alternative would be in some way to figure out how to query control
attributes such as shape, background, gradient and color styles and
translate it to NSButtonCell operations. I don't know how well supported
this is in Windows's API.


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