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Re: ObjectiveC binding problem... (on Windows) (SOLVED!!!)

From: Lloyd Dupont
Subject: Re: ObjectiveC binding problem... (on Windows) (SOLVED!!!)
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2005 14:19:31 +1000

That's simple :D
GNUstep-base-1.10.1-gui-0.9.4.exe shipped with gcc 3.2.3
and buildin_return are somehow broken
I also have gcc 3.4.2 and the buildin_return works with it.
I was testing with 3.4.2 and compiling with 3.2.3.....
Now it's all fixed!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: ObjectiveC binding problem... (on Windows)

never mind....
further test (attached) where I call directly the IMP show me that my message forwarding function doesn't work..
(because some other tests have it working)....
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 12:32 PM
Subject: ObjectiveC binding problem... (on Windows)

Hi All!!
I have a problem with an ObjectiveC binding I'm writting.
Particularly with the 'message sending' function.
I am building 2 objects here:
objcsharp.m (includes forward.body.c) -> gnustep-objcsharp.dll
test.c -> nmtest2.exe
you could use the GNUmakefile to build gnustep-objcsharp.dll
you could build the exe with: gcc -o nmtest2.exe test.c ; strip nmtest2.exe
I copy both binaries as well for your convenience ;)
In objcsharp.m are all the C function my binding uses.
line 39 to 49 are the 3 message send methods I use (one for id, one for double/float, one for struct)
I have tested this forwarding code with ordinary C function and it works well.
However it doesn't work with ObjectiveC object ?!
ObjectiveC's object IMP for method returning float, struct, etc.. doesn't seems to return the expected types.
as shown by the test program which is write and fail like my binding......
why is that?
could someone provides me some guidance?
Thanks all!

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