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Re: Flash Demo

From: Stefan Urbanek
Subject: Re: Flash Demo
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2005 17:17:28 +0200

On Sun, 2005-06-26 at 14:30 +0100, Nicolas Roard wrote:
> Hi,
> I recorded a flash video demonstrating Gorm and the StepTalk palette:
> http://www.xdev.org/gnustep/demo.html
> (and additionally I recorded it with Camaelon activated, so it's  
> shiny (too shiny
> to be useable some would say ;-) , but perfect for a demo)
> With the StepTalk palette you can program entire applications  
> entirely in Gorm --
> It should be interesting for quickly build applications (if you need  
> something fast, you
> can always add a normal ObjC object)

For others who are not yet following the topic, here are notes with


> We could perhaps submit that to /., etc (good occasion to talk about  
> GNUstep no ?)

I have tried - the story was rejected. Can anyone else post a story
about the demo? Perhaps a GNUstep authority? The more submissions, the
better chance to be published. And ... why it is a story? Because it is
something new! And it is definitely more news than "KDE/Gnome will
follow new fashion trends and will use blue buttons instead of grey".
Yes, many stories from other projects look like that.


Stefan Urbanek

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then
you win.
- Mahatma Gandhi

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