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Re: StepTalk on MacOSX resync with CVS

From: Sungjin Chun
Subject: Re: StepTalk on MacOSX resync with CVS
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 10:10:03 +0900


With new Xcode 2.1, I cannot build this project without some modification. (Actually I do not tried). What version and confguration of Xcode did you run with this project?

I'm running Tiger and Xcode2.1.

Thanks in advance.

On Jun 14, 2005, at 5:55 AM, Stefan Urbanek wrote:


On Fri, 2005-05-13 at 21:33 +0200, Alexander V. Diemand wrote:

Hi Stefan

Philip asked me to resync with CVS the StepTalk source which runs on MacOSX.
Following, you find the complete tar.gz of the source tree.
The directory "MacOSX/" contains all necessary files to compile this. A small README is included, too. BTW, there is no need to install GNUstep on
MacOSX, though, it doesn't harm.

It would be nice if this makes it into CVS.



Well a bit late reply, but finally ... Alex, thank you very much for the patched StepTalk. You say that it works without GNUstep installed, that
is great to hear.

If you do not mind, I CC it to the list too, just in case that someone
would be interested to help. For the others, here is a patched StepTalk
for OSX:

http://stefan.agentfarms.net/Download/GNUstep/Prototypes/ StepTalk_on_MacOSX.tar.gz

It is different from the last one - this is written by Alexander.

Now, I have few questions ...

1. NSStandardLibraryPath

You use:

+#ifdef __APPLE__
+    paths = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%
     paths = NSStandardLibraryPaths();

why you use HOME at Apple? AFAIK, there is a NS funcion for similar
thing on apple... NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains or something like
that. That is also available on GNUstep.

2. subclassResponsibility

It would be better to define NSObject category implementing
subclassResponsibility than each time doing #ifdef

3. objective-c runtime

I think that GNUstep compatibility functions can be used. Anyone willing
to rewrite that?

4. why there is SAFEstringByAppendingString?

5. STBytecodeInterpreter.m: why there is a shortcut for apple only? it
does not work on gnustep?

Any StepTalk on OSX testers are welcome. I hope to commit polished patch
to the CVS.


Stefan Urbanek

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- Mahatma Gandhi

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