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Re: getting number of encoding name

From: Markus Hitter
Subject: Re: getting number of encoding name
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 15:09:56 +0100

Am 12.01.2004 um 14:26 schrieb David Wetzel:

imagine, you have @"NSISOLatin1StringEncoding" (a String) but you want 5 (number)..

While I don't know about this direction, the opposite seems to exist (looked up in Cocoa's docs):

+ (NSString *)localizedNameOfStringEncoding:(NSStringEncoding)encoding

    Returns a human-readable string giving the name of encoding
    in the current locale’s language.

Given the method is implemented in GNUstep as well, there should exist some lookup table already.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dipl. Ing. Markus Hitter

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