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Re: Ocean and the search for a Music Framework

From: Dennis Leeuw
Subject: Re: Ocean and the search for a Music Framework
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2004 11:42:14 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031107 Debian/1.5-3

Okay, I know it is confusing. Let me attach a file with the risk of distributing something I ought not to distribute... if I break a rule please accept my apologies upfront.

This file contains stuff copyrighted by Apple shared under the Apple Public License version 1.0, which as far as I understand the discussion is code that can be revoked by Apple.

And there are so many different licenses within the code (.h and .m files), that it is almost impossible to figure out what I can or cannot do.

I have mailed Leigh Smith (which I should probably have done before) but haven't received an answer yet.

Thanks to all the people that helped look into this. I would really like to include MusicKit. And if someone is more educated in this and could shed some light on the subject... please let me know.


Nope no need for that. But a line like:
(c) NeXT all rights reserved
Is somewhat problematic for me. I am not a lawer, I don't have the knowledge to investigate what it can mean to me now, nor in the future.
And it is in a lot of .h files... :(

I am not a lawyer either, but the fact that this source code is copyrighted does not mean that it can not be used as you want. This depends on the license under which it is distributed. If the license says you can use it and distribute it, you're fine as long as you abide to the terms of the license.

NeXT, as the copyright owner (or Apple as its successor) could decide to distribute the same files under a different license, sell it, or whatever, but that's not a problem for you: they will not come after you or remove your rights to use it as long as you haven't failed to obey the license.

As I understand it the MusicKit license is reasonable, not unlike the Free BSD license. It does not have a publicity clause, merely an encouragement to acknowledge the work of others, and an obligation not to remove copyright notices (quite normal). It should be compatible with the GPL.

The GPL does not require that you give your copyright to anybody.


Marco Scheurer
Sen:te, Lausanne, Switzerland   http://www.sente.ch

Discuss-gnustep mailing list

 * $Id: SndMeter.m,v 1.4 2003/08/22 19:01:18 leighsmith Exp $
 * Description: Defines a NSView subclass displaying instantaneous amplitude of 
 * Original Author: Lee Boynton
 * Substantially based on Sound Kit, Release 2.0, Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 
1990, NeXT, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * "Portions Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights
 * Reserved.  This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of
 * Original Code as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public
 * Source License Version 1.0 (the 'License').  You may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License.  Please obtain a copy of the
 * License at http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using
 * this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License."
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2001-2003, The MusicKit project. All rights reserved.
 * Legal Statement Covering Additions by The MusicKit Project:
 *    Permission is granted to use and modify this code for commercial and
 *    non-commercial purposes so long as the author attribution and copyright
 *    messages remain intact and accompany all relevant code.
/* Modification History prior to commital to CVS repository:
 * 10/12/90/mtm Give up CPU more often when playing (bug #10591).
 * 10/12/90/mtm Adjust BREAK_DELAY and timed entry period
 *                      (bug #6312).
 * soundkit-25
 * 20 Sept 90 (wot)     Added support for SND_FORMAT_EMPHASIZED.
 *                      Made it do the same things as SND_FORMAT_LINEAR_16.
 * 3/18/92 mminnick     Use sound driver peak detection.
 * 4/23/92 mminnick     Lock/unlock focus around draw in -run (bug 19540)
 * 10/7/93 aozer                NSString/NSRect kit conversion

#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>

#import "Snd.h"
#import "SndMuLaw.h"
#import "SndStreamClient.h"
#import "SndMeter.h"

#define PEAK_WIDTH (3.0)

@implementation SndMeter

static float smoothValue(SndMeter *self, float aValue)
    float newValue;
    if (aValue >= self->currentPeak)
        newValue = aValue;
        newValue = (2*aValue+2*self->_valOneAgo+self->_valTwoAgo)/5.0;
    self->_valTwoAgo = self->_valOneAgo;
    self->_valOneAgo = aValue;
    return (aValue > 0)? newValue : aValue;

// TODO this only handles muLaw encoded sound! Needs upgrading to handle all 
/// especially 16 bit and float.
static float prepareValueForDisplay(SndMeter *self, float m)
    // TODO switch([self->sound dataFormat]) {
    float result;
    int val = (m > 0)? 32767.0 * m  :  0;
    int temp = (int)SndMuLawToLinear(val);
    temp = ~temp & 127;
    result = ((float)(temp))/128.0;
    return result;

static void calcValues(SndMeter *self, float *aveVal, float *peakVal)
    static SndStreamClient *outStream = nil;
    static SndStreamClient *inStream = nil;
    SndStreamClient *stream = nil;
    int status = [self->sound status];
    float leftPeak, rightPeak;

    *peakVal = *aveVal = 0.0;
    if (status == SND_SoundStopped || status == SND_SoundInitialized ||
        status == SND_SoundFreed || status == SND_SoundRecordingPaused ||
        status == SND_SoundPlayingPaused) {
         * Not playing or recording, smooth last value.
        *peakVal = self->currentValue * 0.7;
    else if (status == SND_SoundRecording || status == 
SND_SoundRecordingPending) {
         * Recording, get the sound in stream.
        if (!inStream) {
            inStream = [[SndStreamClient alloc] init];
            if (inStream &&
                ([inStream setDetectPeaks: YES] == nil)) {
                 [inStream release];
                 inStream = nil;
        stream = inStream;
    else {
         * Playing, get the sound out stream.
        if (!outStream) {
            outStream = [[SndStreamClient alloc] init];
            if (outStream &&
                ([outStream setDetectPeaks: YES] == nil)) {
                 [outStream release];
                 outStream = nil;
        stream = outStream;
    if (stream &&
        ([stream getPeakLeft: &leftPeak right: &rightPeak] != nil)) {
        *peakVal = (leftPeak + rightPeak) / 2.0;        /* stereo avg. */
        *aveVal = *peakVal;     /* always return peak as average */

- (int) shouldBreak
   NSEvent *ev;
   int status = [self->sound status];

   /* Always give up the CPU when playing. */
   if (status == SND_SoundPlaying)
       return 1;
   ev = [[self window] nextEventMatchingMask: NSAnyEventMask  
             untilDate: [NSDate date] inMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue: NO];
   return ev != nil || !status || self->smFlags.shouldStop;

#define DONE_DELAY (10)
#define BREAK_DELAY (0)

- (void) animate_self: (id) /* _NSSKTimedEntry */ timedEntry
                 when: (double) now
    static int stopDelay = DONE_DELAY;
    int breakDelay = BREAK_DELAY;
    float aveVal, peakVal;

    [self lockFocus];
    if ([self->sound status] && !self->smFlags.shouldStop)
        stopDelay = DONE_DELAY;
    if (!stopDelay) {
        [self setFloatValue:-1.0];
        [self drawCurrentValue];
        [[self window] flushWindow];
//      _NSSKRemoveTimedEntry((_NSSKTimedEntry) self->_timedEntry);
        self->_timedEntry = 0;
        self->smFlags.running = NO;
        stopDelay = DONE_DELAY;
    } else {
        while(1) {
            if (self->sound) {
                calcValues(self, &aveVal, &peakVal);
                if (aveVal < self->minValue) self->minValue = aveVal;
                if (aveVal > self->maxValue) self->maxValue = aveVal;
                self->minValue = self->maxValue = aveVal = peakVal = 0.0;
            [self setFloatValue:peakVal];
            [self drawCurrentValue];
            [[self window] flushWindow];
//          PSWait();
            if (!breakDelay)
            else if ([self shouldBreak])
    [self unlockFocus];

 * Exports

+ (void)initialize {
    if (self == [SndMeter class]) {
        [SndMeter setVersion:1];

- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect {
    [super initWithFrame:frameRect];
    holdTime = 0.7; // in seconds
    [self setBackgroundColor:[NSColor darkGrayColor]];
    [self setForegroundColor:[NSColor lightGrayColor]];
    [self setPeakColor:[NSColor whiteColor]];
    smFlags.bezeled = YES;
    return self;

- (float)floatValue { return currentValue; }
- (float)peakValue { return currentPeak; }
- (float)minValue { return minValue; }
- (float)maxValue { return maxValue; }

- (void)setHoldTime:(float)seconds { holdTime = seconds;
- (float)holdTime { return holdTime; }

- (void)setBackgroundColor:(NSColor *)color;
    [backgroundColor autorelease];
    backgroundColor = [color copyWithZone:[self zone]];
    [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];

- (NSColor *)backgroundColor
    return backgroundColor;

- (void)setForegroundColor:(NSColor *)color;
    [foregroundColor autorelease];
    foregroundColor = [color copyWithZone:[self zone]];
    [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];

- (NSColor *)foregroundColor;
    return foregroundColor;

- (void)setPeakColor:(NSColor *)color;
    [peakColor autorelease];
    peakColor = [color copyWithZone:[self zone]];
    [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];

- (NSColor *)peakColor;
    return peakColor;

- (Snd *)sound { return sound; }
- (void) setSound:(Snd*) aSound { sound = aSound; }

- (void)run:sender
    if (!smFlags.running && !_timedEntry && sound) {
        float aveVal, peakVal;
        smFlags.running = YES;
        minValue = 1.0;
        maxValue = 0.0;
        currentSample = 0;
        if (sound) {
            calcValues(self, &aveVal, &peakVal);
            if (aveVal < minValue) minValue = aveVal;
            if (aveVal > maxValue) maxValue = aveVal;
        } else
            minValue = maxValue = aveVal = peakVal = 0.0;
        [self setFloatValue:peakVal];
        [self lockFocus];
        [self drawCurrentValue];
        [self unlockFocus];
        [[self window] flushWindow];
//      PSWait();
//      _timedEntry = (void *) _NSSKAddTimedEntry(0.05, 
//                  (_NSSKTimedEntryProc)animate_self, self,NSBaseThreshhold);
    smFlags.shouldStop = NO;

- (void)stop:(id)sender
    if (smFlags.running) {
        smFlags.shouldStop = YES;

- (BOOL)isRunning
    return smFlags.running;

- (BOOL)isBezeled
    return smFlags.bezeled;

- (void)setBezeled:(BOOL)aFlag
    smFlags.bezeled = aFlag? YES : NO;
    [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];

- (void) setFloatValue: (float) aValue
//    struct tsval foo;
    // double peakDelay;

    if (aValue < 0.0)
        currentValue = currentPeak = aValue;
    else if (aValue > 1.0)
        currentValue = 1.0;
        currentValue = aValue;
//    kern_timestamp(&foo);
//    _valTime = foo.low_val;
//    peakDelay = ((float)(foo.low_val - _peakTime))/1000000.0;
//    if (currentValue > currentPeak || peakDelay > holdTime) {
    if (currentValue > currentPeak) {
        currentPeak = currentValue;
//      _peakTime = foo.low_val;
    [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];

- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rects
    NSRect temp = [self bounds];
    if (smFlags.bezeled) {
        NSDrawGrayBezel(temp, temp);    /* This second rect should really be 
NULL... */
        temp = NSInsetRect(temp, 2.0, 2.0);
    [backgroundColor set];
    [self drawCurrentValue];

- (void) drawCurrentValue
    float valueOffset, peakOffset;
    NSRect bounds = [self bounds];
    float displayValue = prepareValueForDisplay(self, smoothValue(self, 
    float displayPeak = prepareValueForDisplay(self, currentPeak);
    // float x, y, w, h;
    NSRect meterRect;

    meterRect.origin.x = bounds.origin.x + 5.0;
    meterRect.origin.y = bounds.origin.y + 5.0;
    meterRect.size.width = bounds.size.width - 9.0;
    meterRect.size.height = bounds.size.height - 9.0;
    valueOffset = (meterRect.size.width - PEAK_WIDTH) * displayValue;
    peakOffset  = (meterRect.size.width - PEAK_WIDTH) * displayPeak;
    if (peakOffset > 0.0) {
        NSRect peakRect;

        if (valueOffset > 0.0) {
            NSRect foregroundRect;
            NSRect backgroundRect;

            [foregroundColor set];
            // PSrectfill(x,y,valueOffset,h);
            foregroundRect.origin.x = meterRect.origin.x;
            foregroundRect.origin.y = meterRect.origin.y;
            foregroundRect.size.width = valueOffset;
            foregroundRect.size.height = meterRect.size.height;     
            [backgroundColor set];
            // PSrectfill(x+valueOffset,y,w-valueOffset,h);
            backgroundRect.origin.x = meterRect.origin.x + valueOffset;
            backgroundRect.origin.y = meterRect.origin.y;
            backgroundRect.size.width = meterRect.size.width - valueOffset;
            backgroundRect.size.height = meterRect.size.height;
        else { // if no value, just colour with the background colour.
            [backgroundColor set];
            // PSrectfill(x,y,w,h);
        [peakColor set];
        // PSrectfill(x+peakOffset,y,PEAK_WIDTH,h);
        peakRect.origin.x = meterRect.origin.x + peakOffset;
        peakRect.origin.y = meterRect.origin.y;
        peakRect.size.width = PEAK_WIDTH;
        peakRect.size.height = meterRect.size.height;
    else {
        [backgroundColor set];

- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream {
    [super encodeWithCoder:stream];
    [stream encodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"@fffff@@@s",&sound,&currentValue,
                        &currentPeak, &minValue, &maxValue,
                        &holdTime, &backgroundColor, &foregroundColor, 


- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream {
    int version;
    self = [super initWithCoder:stream];
    version = [stream versionForClassName:@"SndMeter"];
    if (version == 0) {
        float backgroundGray, foregroundGray, peakGray;
        [stream decodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"@ffffffffs",&sound,&currentValue,
                            &currentPeak, &minValue, &maxValue,
                            &holdTime, &backgroundGray, 
        [self setBackgroundColor:[NSColor 
colorWithCalibratedWhite:backgroundGray alpha:1.0]];
        [self setForegroundColor:[NSColor 
colorWithCalibratedWhite:foregroundGray alpha:1.0]];
        [self setPeakColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:peakGray 
    } else if (version >= 1) {
        [stream decodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"@fffff@@@s",&sound,&currentValue,
                            &currentPeak, &minValue, &maxValue,
                            &holdTime, &backgroundColor, &foregroundColor, 
    smFlags.running = NO;
    _valTime = _peakTime = currentSample = 0;
    _valOneAgo = _valTwoAgo = 0.0;
    return self;


- (void)dealloc {
    [backgroundColor release];
    [foregroundColor release];
    [peakColor release];
    [super dealloc];


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