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Re: GNUstep roadmap (was Re: [Suggestion] GNUstep-test for quality contr

From: Chris B. Vetter
Subject: Re: GNUstep roadmap (was Re: [Suggestion] GNUstep-test for quality control)
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2003 10:02:49 -0800

On Sun, 2 Nov 2003 01:04:09 +0100
Quentin Mathé <q.mathe@tiscali.fr> wrote:
> Le 1 nov. 03, à 13:09, Björn Giesler a écrit :
> > Rendezvous?
> > Anyone working on a source-code compatible implementation of that? 
> > I'll need it (or something similar) for Addresses sometime. It'd be 
> > great if somebody was working on it; if not, I'll tackle it in a 
> > while.
> There is Howl which implements Rendezvous on Linux/FreeBSD/Windows,
> but I never tried it. Here is the website : 
> http://www.swampwolf.com/products/
> It shouldn't very difficult to wrap it with Objective-C (like in Apple
> Foundation framework).

Howl has several problems.
One is that it is blocking your application as you need to enter Howl's
own runloop. You can try to 'isolate' it in a separate thread, but then
again, AppKit itself isn't thread-safe.
Another problem is that certain facilities Apple's NSNetService classes
depend on aren't implemented, eg. browsing for default domains.
There are some more but those two are the first that come to mind.


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