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Re: UI Design

From: Matt Rice
Subject: Re: UI Design
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2003 12:42:38 -0800 (PST)

I guess that it should check if the current nsview
respondsToSelector menuForEvent and if it does respond
display the NSView's menu otherwise display the
default NSMenu for the application. currently it seems
to display the default menu for the application.
some stuff to do with this
menuForEvent seem to contain //Todo's
i've been thinking/looking at/wondering about this
stuff too.. 


> GUI. What happens if you press the right mouse
> button?
> A context-sensitive menu? nothing? The deault of the
> operating system?
> Click-to-Focus? Sloppy-Focus? ...
> If you design it like this, your design will be
> similar/the same on all
> platforms, but it won't follow the standard GUI
> guidelines of the OSes.
> Or just take the 'HELP' function for example.
> Just look at the many of the OPENSTEP
> (MACH/Enterprise) Applications; they
> follow the way OPENSTEP MACH/NeXTSTEP works, and
> thost applications
> doen't feel like Windows apps (similar thing with
> MacOS X). I think that's
> the issue here.
> You're right, you CAN have a platform independent
> (file) format to specify
> the GUI, but it's either "native" for just one/some
> OSes, but not for
> every OS.
> On the other side, I see quite a few applications
> (on any OS) that doesn't
> follow the OS' GUI guidelines. These examples are
> usually examples of a
> bad GUI design altogether. But especially on MacOS
> (X) a non-standard GUI
> is not the way to go. So we should be not really
> platform-neutral, but
> we should care more of the GUI guidelines of each OS
> in order not to
> 'horrify' uses.
> Okay, OpenStep has it's own guidelines, and they are
> good, but only when
> all applications follow these guidelines. If you're
> trying to be platform
> independend, these rules should be softened.
> > The most important thing is, that the FIRST step
> should be done ONLY by a designer, without any
> forcing/assistance of automatic layout. Relayout
> design should be done by the designer, when the
> interface is finished. Either as grouping objects,
> or specifying relative sizes and positions in
> similar way as we specify outlet/action connections.
> >
> > Be it Gorm or Renaissance visual editor, I think,
> that both should keep that order of UI design steps.
> > I see no sense in creating one UI to be adaptable
> to an UI philosophy of a hosting OS. That is
> one-size-fits-all solution and the result will be
> unusable,
> > but portable UI.
> Well, I agree fully. But we have to make a
> compromise. I personally think
> ideally there should a file format specifying the
> (relative) position of
> widgets that are common to the operating systems we
> care of, but have the
> OS 'depended' GUI stuff in different files, so it
> will be easy to port a
> GUI to different platforms.
> But that's just an ideal theory. I don't know
> whether this is feasable at all.
> Maybe we should just stick to the OpenStep
> guidelines and do it our own way ...
> Max
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