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Re: Renaissance menus on OS X ?

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: Renaissance menus on OS X ?
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2003 01:13:23 +0000 (GMT)

> > Yes - we probably want to have something similar, and all the other stuff
> > with conditionals, repetitions etc.  Maybe as an extension or as a
> > preprocessing ?
> >
> > When the .gsmarkup is read, it would first be preprocessed to process the
> > var:xxx, generating (internally and invisibly) a plain .gsmarkup which
> > would be processed in the usual way by the existing code.  This just for
> > simplicity -- we can merge the two processes together at a later stage
> > when things are clearer, and the design more definitive.
> how about applying an xslt stylesheets upon loading? 


Yes, sort of!

But to keep it portable, we can't assume a xslt processor is available ...
which can be a very serious problem. :-(

... and performing the actual transformation requires interacting with
various objects in the application, so it's not just a pure XML
transformation, but it needs to integrate with the rest.  Which -- I
suppose -- might not be too big a problem, depending on the
flexibility/customizability of the xslt processor used.

In practice, to keep it portable, we will probably end up writing our very
custom (and very simple) processor by hand.

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