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NSLog does only ASCII or UTF-8! Was: Unicode and GNUstep (more info)

From: Pascal Bourguignon
Subject: NSLog does only ASCII or UTF-8! Was: Unicode and GNUstep (more info)
Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 19:33:38 +0200 (CEST)

> >> cat delivers the same result. I then changed the encoding in the
> >> preferences of Terminal.app to MacOS Roman and retried. cat and pico 
> >> did
> >> now deliver the expected result. So far so good.
> >
> > A good move.  If you're going to work only with  the terminal and from
> > Macintosh, that is.
> Ok, Terminal.app is set to "MacOS Roman". I have rewritten my program to 
> just do
>       NSLog(@"Höschler");
> > But if, like  it seems, you have Macintosh  encoded files and sources,
> > then you will need to use:
> >
> > export GNUSTEP_STRING_ENCODING=NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding
> > ./FBTest.app/FBTest
> Here is somethinh i do not understand now.
> bash-2.03$ export GNUSTEP_STRING_ENCODING=NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding
> bash-2.03$ ./FBTest
> May 11 17:00:34 FBTest[14036] H¬öschler

Somewhat  better isn't  it.  Now,  it  seems that  NSLog only  outputs
UTF-8, hence the 195 escape code before the 246 translated by Terminal
to a Macintosh ö.

> bash-2.03$ export GNUSTEP_STRING_ENCODING=



to remove an environment variable in bash.

> bash-2.03$ ./FBTest
> WARNING:  - encoding not supported.
> NSISOLatin1StringEncoding set as default.
> May 11 17:02:10 FBTest[14039] Höschler
> I have expected to get "Höschler" while the encoding is set to 
> NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding. However, I get H¬öschler instead. When I 
> reset the encoding to its default I get Höschler. Weird!

Well, it seems that NSLog does not honor the  GNUSTEP_STRING_ENCODING.

Effectively, we find:

 static void
 _NSLog_standard_printf_handler (NSString* message)
   NSData       *d;
   const char   *buf;
   unsigned     len;

   d = [message dataUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding
         allowLossyConversion: NO];
   if (d == nil)
       d = [message dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding
         allowLossyConversion: NO];

in NSLog.m.

Shouldn't it use _DefaultStringEncoding instead of NSUTF8StringEncoding 

Perhaps the question may be  asked if we need two different encodings,
one  for  input and  in  code  strings (GNUSTEP_STRING_ENCODING),  and
another one for output. I guess that for GUI output, it depends on the
font, so all is well.  How is handled the keyboard input ?

I note  in gdl, that converting  between NSStrings and  NSData is done
with cString  and stringWithCString, that  is, GNUSTEP_STRING_ENCODING
is honored there.  What about file I/O?

For NSLog, I'd move to  use _DefaultStringEncoding in NSLog since it's
a small change and would give the correct results.

> I slowly get the idea of avoiding any characters beyond 127 in source 
> code.

No  need  to  ;  your  output shows  that  GNUSTEP_STRING_ENCODING  is
correctly taken into  account for the literal strings.  Have a look at
the following test program.

Attachment: hoeschler.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

With: make test you  can see that it works as expected  : we get 0xe0,
0xe1,   0xe2,   etc   when   we   put   an   ISO-8859-1   string   and
GNUSTEP_STRING_ENCODING to ISO-8859-1 too,  or when we put a Macintosh
string and GNUSTEP_STRING_ENCODING accordingly, etc.

The only problem here is with NSLog outputing only ASCII or UTF-8.

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Version: 3.1
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