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Proposal: Interface as a Sourceforge project?

From: Ian Mondragon
Subject: Proposal: Interface as a Sourceforge project?
Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 20:14:42 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

all -

  now that my finger's healing nicely & work has resumed on Interface (long
story, don't ask), i was wondering if there would be an interest on the part
of the GNUstep community in me making Interface WM a Sourceforge.net project
so that i can eventually add on developers as i see fit <grin> and have a
stable CVS repository available for everyone.


- ian mondragon


Ian Mondragon  - < copal @ dragonhelix . org >
< h t t p : // d r a g o n h e l i x . o r g >

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