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Re: Slovak language file

From: Stefan Urbanek
Subject: Re: Slovak language file
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 19:04:08 +0200

Previous files were invalid property lists. Here they are fixed.


Stefan Urbanek wrote:
> Hi,
> Here is Slovak language file. Attached are two versions, one ASCII with \u
> escaped characters and otherone in unicode.
> Stefan
/* Slovak */
        NSLanguageName = "Slovak";
        NSFormalName = "Slovensky";
        NSLanguageCode = "SK";
        NSParentContext = "Default";

        NSCurrencySymbol = "Sk";
        NSInternationalCurrencyString = SKK; 
        NSPositiveCurrencyFormatString = "9.999,00 $";
        NSNegativeCurrencyFormatString = "-9.999,00 $";

        NSDecimalDigits = ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9");
        NSDecimalSeparator = ",";

        NSDateFormatString = "%A, %B %d, %Y";
        NSDateTimeOrdering = DMYH; /* resolve numbers in Day,Month,Year,Hour 
order */
        NSEarlierTimeDesignations = ("predch\u00e1dzaj\u00faci", 
"posledn\u00fd", "minul\u00fd", "sp\u00e4\u0165");
        NSHourNameDesignations = ((0, polnoc), (12, poludnie), (10, 
"r\u00e1no"), (14, poobede), (19, "ve\u010der"));
        NSLaterTimeDesignations = ("bud\u00faci");
        NSMonthNameArray = ("Janu\u00e1r", "Febru\u00e1r", Marec, "Apr\u00edl", 
"M\u00e1j", "J\u00fan", "J\u00fal", August, September, "Okt\u00f3ber", 
November, December);
        NSNextDayDesignations = (zajtra);
        NSNextNextDayDesignations = (pozajtra);
        NSPriorDayDesignations = ("v\u010dera");
        NSShortDateFormatString = "%d.%m.%Y"; /* "07.12.95" for example */
        NSShortMonthNameArray = (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, "M\u00e1j", "J\u00fan", 
"J\u00fal", Aug, Sep, Okt, Nov, Dec);
        NSShortTimeDateFormatString = "%d.%b.%Y %H:%M"; /* "07. Dec. 95 16:50 " 
for example */
        NSShortWeekDayNameArray = (Ne, Po, Ut, St, "\u0160t", Pi, So);
        NSThisDayDesignations = (dnes);
        NSThousandsSeparator = ".";
        NSTimeDateFormatString = "%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z";
        NSTimeFormatString = "%H:%M:%S";
        NSWeekDayNameArray = ("Nede\u013ea", Pondelok, Utorok, Streda, 
"\u0160tvrtok", Piatok, Sobota);
        NSYearMonthWeekDesignations = (rok, mesiac, "t\u00fd\u017ede\u0148");

Attachment: Slovak.unicode
Description: Binary data

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