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Re: Switching PS backends on the fly

From: Chris B . Vetter
Subject: Re: Switching PS backends on the fly
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2001 14:39:08 -0700

On Tue,  3 Jul 2001 14:09:24 -0700
Alvin Jee <alvinj@hpl.com> wrote:
> Hello!
>   Here's a few Q's about the PostScript backend on gnustep-gui:
>   Is there a way to switch PS backends via a command line switch or  
> something at run-time? Or is it possible to do so at compile time? Has  

The backends are compiled as bundles, you can switch any time between
both via

        defaults write NSGlobalDomain GSBackend libgnustep-xdps

        defaults write NSGlobalDomain GSBackend libgnustep-xgps

> anyone tried making the gnustep-gui talk to the DPS server on  
> NeXT/OpenStep?

Not me.


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