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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Problems with dvbt 8k 64QAM

From: Juan Antonio
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Problems with dvbt 8k 64QAM
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2018 22:33:25 +0100

When I work with adv16.cfile my 4 cores work almost 100% but there is no ovwerflow and the constellations hook

When I work with a file recorded with gqrx of 8k 1/4 2/3 64 QAM my 4 cores work at 50%, there is no overflow and the constellations do not latch. This same file reproduced with osmosdr sink is reproduced without any problem with a receiver of dvbt

When I work directly with the hackrf with a channel 8k 1/4 2/3 64 QAM there is a lot of overflow, the constellations do not engage and the cores work at 50%

I can think of two things:

Try with a file similar to adv16.cfile but 64 QAM (I do not have it)

And 2nd that there is some parameter in some block that does not correspond with 64 QAM

Best  Regards

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