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[Discuss-gnuradio] Duplicate GRC documentation

From: Christopher Richardson
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Duplicate GRC documentation
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2016 15:42:10 +0100


I'm just wondering if anyone might have any idea why I would be getting duplicate GRC documentation for my vis3d block @ https://github.com/chrisruk/gr-inspector/tree/dev_amc

You can see how the repeated documentation looks in GRC, at the bottom of this e-mail.

I've removed any other doxygen style comments in my .cc/.h files as far as I can tell, so can't really understand what's causing this.




make(int vlen, int width, int height, int gwidth, int gheight, double maxz, int fps, char * xaxis, char * yaxis, char * zaxis, QWidget * parent=None) -> vis3d_vf_sptr
        3D visualisation for the inspector toolkit
        This GUI uses QwtPlot3D to visualise data in 3D, for instance data from the gr-specest FAM block.
        Controls: Hold left mouse button and move cursor to rotate. Dragging using two fingers, zooms in or out
        Constructor Specific Documentation:
        Build a 3D visualisation.
            vlen : The size of the input vector containing the data to be displayed
            width : The 1D vector will be reshaped with this width
            height : The 1D vector will be reshaped with this height
            gwidth : The graph will be stretched to this width
            gheight : The graph will be stretched to this height
            maxz : You can set the graph to have a maximum Z value, so that the graph boundaries remain fixed, or if you set to 0, the Z axis of the graph, will grow according to the data.
            fps : You can set the framerate of the graph, so that if a higher number vectors are received than the frame rate, they can be discarded.
            xaxis : Label for X axis
            yaxis : Label for Y axis
            zaxis : Label for Z axis
            parent : QWidget parent

vis3d_vf_make(int vlen, int width, int height, int gwidth, int gheight, double maxz, int fps, char * xaxis, char * yaxis, char * zaxis, QWidget * parent=None) -> vis3d_vf_sptr
    3D visualisation for the inspector toolkit
    This GUI uses QwtPlot3D to visualise data in 3D, for instance data from the gr-specest FAM block.
    Controls: Hold left mouse button and move cursor to rotate. Dragging using two fingers, zooms in or out
    Constructor Specific Documentation:
    Build a 3D visualisation.
        vlen : The size of the input vector containing the data to be displayed
        width : The 1D vector will be reshaped with this width
        height : The 1D vector will be reshaped with this height
        gwidth : The graph will be stretched to this width
        gheight : The graph will be stretched to this height
        maxz : You can set the graph to have a maximum Z value, so that the graph boundaries remain fixed, or if you set to 0, the Z axis of the graph, will grow according to the data.
        fps : You can set the framerate of the graph, so that if a higher number vectors are received than the frame rate, they can be discarded.
        xaxis : Label for X axis
        yaxis : Label for Y axis
        zaxis : Label for Z axis
        parent : QWidget parent

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