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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Processing of large numbers of samples

From: Marcus Müller
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Processing of large numbers of samples
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 11:09:40 +0100
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Hello Simone,
> Is there a convenctional way to do this?
Yes, there is! Since in a sync block, the numbers of samples you consume
on you rinput and you produce on your output are identical,
you can use set_output_multiple(8192) [1].

If what you're doing feels more like a operation on vectors of samples
instead of an operation on a stream of samples, you could also use a
input signature with an input and output item size of 8192 times the
original item size, and use stream_to_vector[2]before and
vector_to_stream to convert from streams to vectors. A typical example
(and generally a very nice block) is the fft_vcc[3] block, which
encapsulates the FFT, which is a vector operation, mathematically.


[3] http://gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/classgr_1_1fft_1_1fft__vcc.html
On 01/21/2015 10:51 AM, Simone Ciccia S210664 wrote:
> Goodmorning,
> I have general questions about processing a fixed number of samples.
> In front of the necessity to process N samples (N=8192 items) in a
> sinchronous block, I developed a mechanism like this:
> _____________________________________________________________
> if(noutput_items>N)
>       { 
>       processing of N elements
>       consume(N); return(N);  //in this way I process the required N elements
>       }
> else
>       {consume(0); return(0);} // here I'm waiting until the input buffer 
> reach
> the required number of elements
> _____________________________________________________________
> Probably is not the convenctional way to do this, but for now it works
> well.
> My questions are:
>       - Is there a convenctional way to do this?
>       - it seems that N cannot be larger than 8192, how can I enlarge the 
> input
> buffer?
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