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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Resolved CtrlPort build problem

From: Tom Rondeau
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Resolved CtrlPort build problem
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 09:21:29 -0500

On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 1:39 AM, Tom McDermott <address@hidden> wrote:
> Have resolved my CtrlPort build problem on Ubuntu.
> ICE 3.4 will not build under GCC 4.7 or 4.8.  I installed ICE 3.5 for Ubuntu
> 13.10 using the following script, claimed to work for Raring or later [1].
> ice installed OK, ice-dev did not. Apparently ice-dev not needed, so
> consider eliminating it from the script below.
> $ sudo su
> # wget http://www.zeroc.com/download/Ice/3.5/ubuntu/ice3.5-raring.list -O- >
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ice3.5-raring.list
> # wget http://www.zeroc.com/download/RPM-GPG-KEY-zeroc-release -O- | apt-key
> add -
> # apt-get update
> # apt-get install ice ice-dev

That's good information. Generally, I've just built ICE for C++ and
Python by hand and install it into /opt/Ice-${version}.

> When running Control Port monitor I get a screen with the running
> performance values for all the blocks, but no graphics of any kind. Is this
> normal?  Is there a way to dump the performance text values to a file?
> -- Tom, N5EG
> [1]
> http://crysol.github.io/recipe/2013-09-19/ice35-deb-packages-from-zeroc/#.UvchUvjiB2W

Sorry, I know you've sent a few mails to the list, so I can't remember
if you've fully solved the display issue (I feel like you have). But
just for the record, given a flowgraph, you can call the
pc_<name>_<type> functions on any given block to retrieve the counter.
During runtime, this is obviously just a sampling, but there is also
the work_time_total PC that accumulates the amount of time the given
work function used during the run of the flowgraph. All this is
described in the manual page:


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