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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Coverity scan and GNU Radio

From: Ben Hilburn
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Coverity scan and GNU Radio
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2013 10:56:23 -0700

If you look at a specific issue, you can edit the meta information about it.

To avoid multiple people going after the same bug, and then ending up having to throw one person's work away, should we take advantage of the "Owner" field and have people assign bugs to themselves as soon as they start working on it?

This obviously introduces the risk of people assigning bugs to themselves and then never actually completing the task, but that might be better than a rush of work that ends up unused. If people only assign a bug to themselves once they start actually writing code (i.e., don't claim a bug if you plan to work on it in the future), it might help avoid this issue, somewhat.

Inline image 1



On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 10:16 AM, Philip Balister <address@hidden> wrote:
We've added GNU Radio to the list of projects on Coverity Scan.

Coverity is a static analysis tool that finds many coding mistakes.


If you want to get started contributing to GNU Radio, this is a good
place to find some easy tasks. That said, please take some time to look
at the bugs and make the proper fix and do not just make changes to
silence the messages.

When you commit a fix, please reference the Coverity ID (CID) in the
commit message. For example:


Find the GNURadio project at:


and add yourself to the project to access the analysis. Every Monday,
the scan is updated.


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