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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] gr-audio: one component to rule them all

From: Marcus D. Leech
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] gr-audio: one component to rule them all
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2011 20:00:00 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101209 Fedora/3.1.7-0.35.b3pre.fc14 Thunderbird/3.1.7

On 03/09/2011 07:53 PM, Josh Blum wrote:
Hello list,

I have created a new top level component called gr-audio. The goal of
gr-audio is to combine all supported audio architectures under a single
source and sink block.

Gnuradio has 6 different top level components, each for a different
audio architecture. If you used audio in python, this was transparent,
as the python file was test-importing each possible architecture. But if
you used audio in c++, you would have to hard-code a specific audio
architecture into your code.

gr-audio presents one interface to the user in both c++ and python. At
build-time, all architectures available to the compiler are built into
the library. At runtime, an available audio architecture is selected.
This selection is based on default priority, or if present, a
configuration file setting.

The build system will continue to configure and build the old top-level
components; so this will not break C++ that was coded for a specific
audio component. Anyone using audio block in python will be
automatically calling into the new component.

Try it out!

I was able to test 4 of the 6 architectures. Testers for the osx and
windows audio support would be appreciated.


I'd like to be the first to start the tin-foil-hat brigade and posit that there exists more than one Josh Blum. It's the only explanation for the apparently-inhuman level of productivity we've
  come to associate with the object known as Josh Blum.

Off to put my tinfoil hat on :-)

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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