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[Discuss-gnuradio] Easter eggs in Gnu Radio?

From: Marcus Leech
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Easter eggs in Gnu Radio?
Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2007 00:12:04 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070719)

Ok, so this is going to sound really weird, but please bear with me.

For the last several evenings, at exactly the same time, my radio
astronomy receiver has been receiving a series of square waves,
  of amplitude about 100Jy (large by radio astronomy standards, tiny by
anybody else' measure of such things).  These are
  near-perfect 50% duty-cycle square waves of period approximately 166
seconds, with an initial lead-in of a few minutes,
  then a series of, ahem, 1s and 0s, then trailing off to nothing.

While it's far-fetched that someone would put an easter-egg in that
would only be obvious to my application, it's not
  inconceivable.   So?

Obviously, there are lots of other explanations, like a strange radar
that I haven't seen before, some kind of bad-ass
  ionospheric sounder that makes my local ionosphere slightly opaque to
21cm radiation in a square-wave
  pattern.  Or one of a number of other types of weird RFI sources.  I
found nothing in the spectral display,
  so whatever it is seems to be either broadband in nature, or
narrowband, and driving my LNA into
  slight compression in a square-wave like pattern, but outside of my
receiver passband.

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