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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] rx_buffer testbench

From: Peter Monta
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] rx_buffer testbench
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2007 00:05:56 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070104)

Davide Anastasia writes:

I'm trying to modify the rx_buffer module, in order to obtain a 1 bit
quantization. Is it available a testbench for this module?

I'd also like quantization to less than 8 bits.  Attached is
a rough diff for rx_buffer.v that aims to support 4, 2, and
1-bit quantization.  This is very rough, and I don't even know
if it compiles (have to go get myself a copy of Quartus),
but it would be good to know from others on the list if this
is the right direction.

The stock rx_buffer.v implements round-to-zero.  It's not clear
if this is the most useful, actually---if I request 4-bit
samples, I'm more or less expecting 4-bit uniform quantization,
right?  So the attached patch changes to round-to-nearest-even.

Peter Monta

--- rx_buffer.v.orig    2007-02-25 14:32:58.000000000 -0800
+++ rx_buffer.v 2007-03-01 00:01:05.000000000 -0800
@@ -51,8 +51,7 @@
     output [15:0] debugbus
-   wire [15:0] fifodata, fifodata_8;
-   reg [15:0]  fifodata_16;
+   reg [15:0] fifodata;
    wire [11:0] rxfifolevel;
    wire rx_empty, rx_full;
@@ -96,60 +95,66 @@
        store_next <= #1 4'd0;
      else if(~rx_full & (bitwidth == 5'd8) & (store_next == (channels>>1)))
        store_next <= #1 4'd0;
+     else if(~rx_full & (bitwidth == 5'd4) & (store_next == (channels>>2)))
+       store_next <= #1 4'd0;
+     else if(~rx_full & (bitwidth == 5'd2))
+       store_next <= #1 4'd0;
+     else if(~rx_full & (bitwidth == 5'd1))
+       store_next <= #1 4'd0;
      else if(~rx_full & (store_next != 0))
        store_next <= #1 store_next + 4'd1;
-   assign    fifodata = (bitwidth == 5'd8) ? fifodata_8 : fifodata_16;
-   assign    fifodata_8 = {round_8(top),round_8(bottom)};
-   reg [15:0] top,bottom;
-   function [7:0] round_8;
+   function [7:0] round_8_to_nearest_even;
       input [15:0] in_val;
-      round_8 = in_val[15:8] + (in_val[15] & |in_val[7:0]);
+      round_8_to_nearest_even = in_val[15:8] + ((in_val[7:0]==8'd128) ? 
in_val[8] : in_val[7]);
    endfunction // round_8
-   always @*
-     case(store_next)
-       4'd1 : begin
-         bottom = ch_0;
-         top = ch_1;
-       end
-       4'd2 : begin
-         bottom = ch_2;
-         top = ch_3;
-       end
-       4'd3 : begin
-         bottom = ch_4;
-         top = ch_5;
-       end
-       4'd4 : begin
-         bottom = ch_6;
-         top = ch_7;
-       end
-       default : begin
-         top = 16'hFFFF;
-         bottom = 16'hFFFF;
-       end
-     endcase // case(store_next)
+   wire [7:0] cr0 = round_8_to_nearest_even(ch_0);
+   wire [7:0] cr1 = round_8_to_nearest_even(ch_1);
+   wire [7:0] cr2 = round_8_to_nearest_even(ch_2);
+   wire [7:0] cr3 = round_8_to_nearest_even(ch_3);
+   wire [7:0] cr4 = round_8_to_nearest_even(ch_4);
+   wire [7:0] cr5 = round_8_to_nearest_even(ch_5);
+   wire [7:0] cr6 = round_8_to_nearest_even(ch_6);
+   wire [7:0] cr7 = round_8_to_nearest_even(ch_7);
+   wire [7:0] onebit_vector = 
+   reg [7:0] onebit_saved;
+   reg onebit_flag;
+   always @(posedge rxclk)
+     if(reset)
+       onebit_flag <= #1 0;
+     else if(rxstrobe & (store_next == 0))
+       onebit_flag <= #1 ~onebit_flag;
+     else if(~rx_full & (bitwidth == 5'd1))
+       onebit_saved <= #1 onebit_vector;
    always @*
-     case(store_next)
-       4'd1 : fifodata_16 = ch_0;
-       4'd2 : fifodata_16 = ch_1;
-       4'd3 : fifodata_16 = ch_2;
-       4'd4 : fifodata_16 = ch_3;
-       4'd5 : fifodata_16 = ch_4;
-       4'd6 : fifodata_16 = ch_5;
-       4'd7 : fifodata_16 = ch_6;
-       4'd8 : fifodata_16 = ch_7;
-       default : fifodata_16 = 16'hFFFF;
-     endcase // case(store_next)
+     case({bitwidth,store_next})
+       {5'd16,4'd1} : fifodata = ch_0;
+       {5'd16,4'd2} : fifodata = ch_1;
+       {5'd16,4'd3} : fifodata = ch_2;
+       {5'd16,4'd4} : fifodata = ch_3;
+       {5'd16,4'd5} : fifodata = ch_4;
+       {5'd16,4'd6} : fifodata = ch_5;
+       {5'd16,4'd7} : fifodata = ch_6;
+       {5'd16,4'd8} : fifodata = ch_7;
+       {5'd8,4'd1} : fifodata = {cr0,cr1};
+       {5'd8,4'd2} : fifodata = {cr2,cr3};
+       {5'd8,4'd3} : fifodata = {cr4,cr5};
+       {5'd8,4'd4} : fifodata = {cr6,cr7};
+       {5'd4,4'd1} : fifodata = {cr0[3:0],cr1[3:0],cr2[3:0],cr3[3:0]};
+       {5'd4,4'd2} : fifodata = {cr4[3:0],cr5[3:0],cr6[3:0],cr7[3:0]};
+       {5'd2,4'd1} : fifodata = 
+       {5'd1,4'd1} : fifodata = {onebit_saved,onebit_vector};
+       default : fifodata = 16'hFFFF;
+     endcase
    fifo_4k rxfifo 
      ( .data ( fifodata ),
-       .wrreq (~rx_full & (store_next != 0)),
+       .wrreq (~rx_full & ( (bitwidth==5'd1) ? (onebit_flag && (store_next != 
0)) : (store_next != 0) )),
        .wrclk ( rxclk ),
        .q ( usbdata ),

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