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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Yet another installation problem

From: n4hy
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Yet another installation problem
Date: Mon, 09 Jan 2006 16:29:56 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Windows/20050716)

I have never once regretting changing over to SUSE. YAST is just too awesome. I have gone ahead and installed gcc-4.0.2 on all my machines. You can use the python 2.4.1 that comes with SUSE 10. I have done python 2.4.2 but there are a few more roads to go down to get to the end if you do. For now, don't.

Please go here


and install the baseline code.   MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES.

DO NOT install Numeric. It is already installed in SUSE 10 or you could have installed it from the disk and can do so now with YAST in a Software Management session. While you are at it, install wxPython, wxGtk. Let it complain about dependencies and then let it automatically satisfy them. install gcc, python, ccache, cppunit, automake, autoconf, doxygen, etc. If gnuradio complains later, it is easily fixed by adding what is needed from the LMO site above.

When you go to the numarray site, go ahead and get 1.5.0. It works just fine.

go the SWIG site but install 1.3.27 instead.

the fftw-3.0.1 floating configured with sse and 3dnow is important for code efficiency.

As such,  you can do

configure --enable-single --enable-sse --enable-k7 --enable-threads

they do NOT conflict so far as I can tell. I build one version and have installed it on pentiums, athlons, 32 and 64 bit processors so it will install a version that works on pentium's and athlons

It will then be important for you to find fftwf_wisdom, run it, and have its output file specified as /etc/fftw/wisdomf. Use the canonical files (fftwf_wisdom -c) , start it before you go to bed, and wake up refreshed with a full head of fftw_wisdom on your machine.

DO NOT follow the LMO instructions for wxPython for SUSE10.0

Go to the wxPython site and get wxPython-2.6.1. LMO's instructions are to replace ALL of your gtk+, atk, pango, etc libraries which you already have on your machine if you installed then with SUSE 10 and/or followed the first steps above. Do a YAST software management session and make sure that gtk+, atk, pango, glib are all installed if you have not already by doing wxGtk and wxPython

unload wxPython- into a directory.

cd wxPython-

edit config.py and change UNICODE to 1.

python setup.py build
python setup.py install

sdcc is required for the USRP.

octave/octave forge are useful so go ahead and install.

I have NEVER seen import wx work after this stuff is built without rebooting my SUSE machines (even after ldconfig and rehash), so boot now.

You will find you can do ./for-all-dirs ../buildit on the gr-build directory and it will work. If after reboot, you can run python and manually type import wx without error message, you are probably set.


Geoffrey Bunza wrote:

You are right on all counts. gcc4.0 worked just fine to compile Gnuradio. And I did try Suse10 on another system, and it installed like a dream compared to FC4 but I could not build with it right out of the box, so I've tabled the Suse investigation 'till later, while I continue on with Gnuradio on FC4. Thanks for your insights.

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