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[dev-serveez] blissfully

From: Malcolm Short
Subject: [dev-serveez] blissfully
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 21:32:54 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

Reality that you can touch, that you can feel, that you can understand. This is a noble and generous initiative, for which Prem Rawat and his Foundation need to be acknowledged and wholeheartedly thanked.
Your wealth remains as it is. My yearning, my truest want is to feel alive, to feel this existence.
It is up to each person. Reality that you can touch, that you can feel, that you can understand.
He is not certain about tomorrow.
We had to drive so slow.
But regardless of any circumstance, there is a place inside of us, and if we can access that place, we can feel that peace. This is not a problem that you have to solve.
This is the science of living: when you begin to appreciate every moment. When I was a kid, someone in my family used to buy lottery tickets.
No one can stay here.
These are your realities. It means that your garden can be beautiful and green and lovely.
He is not certain about tomorrow. But where am I actually? But as long as you are alive and you have the capacity to be conscious, be conscious of that which is the real life.
It is not a fantasy, but reality. When I was a kid, someone in my family used to buy lottery tickets. You have a lot of wounds, and those wounds cause pain.
But today, people have complicated things so much that nobody knows what peace is.
As long as you have breath, you can fulfill your life.
We had to drive so slow. As long as you have breath, you can fulfill your life. True peace can only happen when a person learns to stand on their own two feet and understand what is within them. Your possibility of being fulfilled every moment is being sacrificed. And in this life, what do you have?
To have a heart so open, an understanding so beautiful, and a yearning for appreciation so complete that when that moment comes, you see exactly what it is.
That there is an understanding of what it means to be alive. You have made things yours, but those things have not accepted you as belonging to them.
This you can experience.
You have the possibility to remember; you have the possibility to forget. Not the liquid drop, you are the drop.
And I have a big spring.
If someone wants help, I can help.
It just goes from here to there.
For once, it would be nice to feel what we really want to do and the quest come from within, not driven by the outside world.

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