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[Denemo-devel] typos English text

From: Joe Dalton
Subject: [Denemo-devel] typos English text
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2016 17:49:41 +0000 (UTC)

#: ../src/command/object.c:1362
msgid "Make a palette button for running the command that created inserted this 
msgstr "Lav en paletknap for kørsel af kommandoen som oprettede dette objekt."

created and inserted seems to be dobbel up or is a »and« missing

#: ../src/generated/entries.h:240 ../src/generated/register_commands.h:224
msgid "Create a new movement, usign any default template"
msgstr "Opret en ny sats, via eventuelle standardskabeloner"

usign - using

#: ../src/generated/entries.h:440
msgid ""
"Commands to manipulate the palettes of commands"
msgstr ""
"Kommandoer til at manipulere paletterne for kommandoer"

Missing dot

#: ../src/ui/kbd-interface.c:619
msgid ""
"This window allows you find and execute commands.\n"
"Once you have selected a command the box at the top gives information about 
that command,\n"
"while the panel to the side gives any shortcuts for the command\n"
"you can add a selected command to a palette, or set single-key or two-key 
"You can also hide commands, so they don't appear in the menus.\n"
"You can save the shortcuts as your default command set, or as a command set 
which you may wish to load in the future.\n"
"This window is also where you can load such a stored command set."
msgstr ""
"Dette vindue giver mulighed for at finde og køre kommandoer.\n"
"Når du har valgt en kommando giver boksen øverst information om kommandoen, 
mens panelet\n"
"på siden indeholder genvejstaster for kommandoen.\n"
"Du kan tilføje en valgt kommando til paletten, eller angive genveje med en 
eller to taster.\n"
"Du kan også skjule kommandoer, så de ikke fremgår af menuerne.\n"
"Du kan gemme genvejene som dit standardsæt for kommandoer, eller som et 
kommandosæt der kan indlæses på et fremtidigt\n"
"Dette vindue er også stedet hvor du kan indlæse et sådant lagret kommandosæt."

Missing dot after command and you -> You

#: ../actions/denemo-modules/directives.scm:24
msgid "Give LilyPond to be issued"
msgstr "Angiv LilyPond der skal udstedes"

What is going on here? Cryptic English text

#: ../actions/menus/MainMenu/EditMenu/EditAll.xml.h:2
msgid "Edits/Deletes all objects of the last searched for type this and all 
succeeding movements."
msgstr "Redigerer/sletter alle objekter for den sidste søgning for type denne 
og alle efterfølgende satser."

English here is very difficult to understand

#: ../actions/menus/MainMenu/Educational/MIDI/FiguredBassExercises.scm:4
msgid ""
"The music below is the first of Handel's exercises for figured bass. The staff 
marked \"Chords\" at the top is a sample (inadequate) realization of the 
" When you click Start you will be asked if you want to delete this version, 
and when you say yes you can start creating your own.\n"
" The screen becomes green to remind you that your MIDI controller is now 
expecting you to play the ticked bass note plus chord.\n"
" The bass note expected is marked with a tick, play this note plus the chord 
notes. You can hold down the bass note and change chords over the same bass 
" Note, you must distinguish enharmonic differences (e.g. D-sharp from E-flat), 
check that the set of accidentals showing in the MIDI-in controls suits the 
piece you are working on. Press shift-sharpwise or flatwise as needed.\n"
" You can hold down the chord while going on to the next bass note so as to 
carry the chord over.\n"
"You can use the sustain pedal to tie the chord you are entering with the chord 
for the next bass note by putting the pedal down on the chord you want to tie 
and releasing it after going on to the next bass note.\n"
"Putting pedal down before the bass note will tie the last chord to the one you 
enter next. \n"
"You can also use the sustain pedal  to place a chord on a rest before a bass 
note (depress the pedal before striking the bass note).\n"
" You can click Start a second time to stop, and you can re-start from any bar 
you like.\n"
" You can edit, playback etc while working, but don't remove or add staffs. You 
can also use the pitch bend wheel to stop entering chords.\n"
"  "
msgstr ""
"Musikken nedenfor er den første af Handels øvelser for generalbas. 
Nodesystemet markeret »Akkorder« i toppen er et eksempel (ufuldstændig) på en 
realisering af tallene.\n"
" Når du klikker start, vil du blive bedt om at slette denne version, og når du 
siger ja, kan du begynde at oprette din egen.\n"
" Skærmen bliver grøn for at erindre dig om at din MIDI-controller nu 
forventer, at du spiller den afkrydsede bas-node plus akkord.\n"
" Den forventede bas-node er markeret med et kryds, afspil denne node samt 
akkordnoderne. Du kan holde bas-noden nede og ændre akkorder over den samme 
" Bemærk, du skal skelne mellem enharmoniske forskelle (f.eks. D-skarp fra 
E-flad), kontroller at sættet af løse fortegn, der vises i 
MIDI-in-kontrollerne, er egnet for det stykke du arbejder på. Tryk 
skift-skarprettet eller fladrettet som krævet.\n"
" Du kan holde akkorden nede mens du går til den næste bas-node, for at 
overføre akkorden.\n"
"Du kan bruge sustainpedal til at binde akkorden, du indtastede med akkorden 
for den næste bas-node ved at føre pedalen ned på akkorden, du ønsker at binde 
og frigive den efter, at du går til den næste bas-node.\n"
"Det at føre pedalen ned før bas-noden vil binde den sidste akkord til den du 
indtaster efterfølgende.\n"
"Du kan også bruge sustainpedalen til at placere en akkord på en pause før en 
bas-node (tryk pedalen ned før bas-noden slås).\n"
" Du kan klikke start endnu en gang for at stoppe, og du kan genstarte fra 
enhver bjælke du måtte ønske.\n"
" Du kan redigere, afspille etc. mens du arbejder, men fjern eller tilføj ikke 
nodesystemer. Du kan også bruge tonehøjde-bøjehjulet til at stoppe indtastning 
af akkorder.\n"
"  "

two spaces

# engelsk fejl posiiton (it vendt rundt)
#: ../actions/menus/MainMenu/NavigationMenu/Seek/NextHigher.xml.h:2
msgid "Move cursor to next note higher than cursor posiiton"
msgstr "Flyt markør til næste node højere end markørpositionen"

typo posiiton (it turned around)

msgid ""
"The cursor is not on a Denemo Directive.\n"
"You can place the \"Void\"  Denemo Directive before the object you wish to 
"and then make that directive conditional."
msgstr ""
"Markøren er ikke på et Denemodirektiv.\n"
"Du kan placere Denenodirektivet »Void« før objektet du ønkser at udelade\n"
"og så gøre direktivet betinget."

two spaces

#: ../actions/menus/ObjectMenu/Directives/Markings/BeatChange.scm:51
msgid ""
"Place immediately after a barline to center the beat change  over the barline."
msgstr ""
"Placer umiddelbart efter en bjælkelinje for at centrere slagændringen over 

two spaces

#: ../actions/menus/ObjectMenu/Directives/Markings/BeatChange.scm:57
msgid "Enter text (if any) to appear after  the [beat1]=[beat2]"
msgstr "Indtast tekst (hvis nogen) så den fremgår efter [slag1]=[slag2]"

two spaces

#: ../actions/menus/ObjectMenu/Directives/Typesetter/BeamingOff.xml.h:2
msgid "(Print)Stop automatic beaming from current position in score."
msgstr "(Udskriv) stop automatiske nodebjælker fra nuværende position i 

missing space

#: ../actions/menus/ObjectMenu/Directives/Typesetter/InstallCue.scm:11
msgid ""
"Give note (in LilyPond notation) that  middle C should transpose to\n"
"in this cue:"
msgstr ""
"Angiv node (i LilyPond-notation) som midderste C skal transponere til\n"
"i denne stiknode:"

two spaces

#: ../actions/menus/ObjectMenu/StaffMenu/StaffGroupings/GroupStaffStart.xml.h:2
msgid "Start grouping single staves together in order to form multi-stave 
systems. In the StaffGroup context, the group is started with a bracket and bar 
lines are drawn through all the staves."
msgstr "Start gruppering af enkelte nodesystemer for at danne systemer med 
flere nodesystemer. I NodesystemGruppe-kontekst startes gruppen med en parentes 
og bjælkelinjer tegnes igennem alle nodesystemer."

is it GroupStaff or StaffGroup

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