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[Denemo-devel] Incipits and tagline

From: Richard Shann
Subject: [Denemo-devel] Incipits and tagline
Date: Thu, 19 May 2011 09:01:32 +0100

When you have a lot of .denemo scores it can become difficult to find a
particular one. This is starting to become a problem for me. I propose
      * To make the default tagline say where the file is on disk (in
        tiny font).
      * To create incipits for denemo files. LilyPond has support for
        this I believe. The incipit could be used in several ways
      *         To create a title page with the incipit so that a particular
        score can be recognized without opening it
      *         To provide thumbnails in the file open dialog
      *         To provide a catalog

At the moment I have my scores arranged by composer, but with the more
prolific composers it still means opening two or three files to find
one; naming the key of the piece in the file name can help, but mostly
my pieces are transcribed on printing, so this can be confusing too.

I'll be doing this as soon as I have the "return to start of pure
rhythm" feature fixed.


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