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Re: Enhancement request for tee - please add the option to not quit on S

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: Re: Enhancement request for tee - please add the option to not quit on SIGPIPE when someother files are still opened
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2015 16:13:35 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.24 (2015-08-30)

Jirka Hladky wrote:
> I have recently run into an issue that tee will finish as soon as first
> pipe it's writing to is closed. Please consider this example:
> $cat /dev/zero | tee >(head -c1 | wc -c )  >(head -c100M | wc -c ) >/dev/null
> 1
> 65536
> Second wc command will receive only 64kB instead of expected 100MB.

Expectations depend upon the beholder of the expectation.  :-)

> IMHO, tee should have a command line option to proceed as long some file is
> opened.
>  cat /dev/zero | mytee --skip_stdout_output --continue_on_sigpipe >(head -c1 
> | wc -c ) >(head -c100M | wc -c )

If you ignore SIGPIPE in tee in the above then what will terminate the
tee process?  Since the input is not ever terminated.

Also, a Useless-Use-Of-Cat in the above too.

> It should be accompanied by another switch which will suppress
> writing to STDOUT.

Isn't >/dev/null already a sufficient switch to supress stdout?


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